Could this suck more?

Brand is an idiot. Not Funny.

This may well be the most badly produced awards show in history.



The last great movie awards was when Jimmy Fallon hosted in 2006. It used to be so much better when they did the movie parodies and before Twilight was around. This show is painfully embarrassing to watch anymore.


It's not MTV's fault that its viewer-base is so in love with Twilight, but I will agree that part of what used to make the MTV Movie Awards so fun was all the movie parodies that they used to do. I don't understand why they got away from that...or why they keep getting Russell Brand to host. There is not a single thing that I find that is remotely appealing about him.


Ten years ago this show was a blast. Last night was tedious and stupid, not to mention poorly timed, badly produced and boring.

The only reason I didn't change the channel is because my kids wanted to watch it to see who won. I would have preferred a root canal.

I will never understand the appeal of Russel Brand.



This was my first time sitting through it after years of skipping it, and I agree, Brand was not a good host, very awkward. The presenter skits were not funny, the audience seemed too young to get the attempted humor, like others said, it hasn't been good for a very long time. Guess they have to cater to the new generation.


"Guess they have to cater to the new generation."

I understand your meaning, meccie, but it boggles the mind.
Is it really necessary to dumb down?
The reason the show used to be fun is because it was irreverent, edgy and funny.

The Kids Choice Awards was more entertaining than this crap, and that is targeted for "the new generation".

My oldest daughter is 13 and she considered it inane, disappointing and un-funny.

