House Husbands

To any other fans of quirky TV out there please do your best to watch this show. It is light hearted and wonderfully silly in spots as well as heart warming too. Join 4 quintessentially Oz blokes trying to make sense of life with their partners in the changing world of gender roles and expectations. There are the stereotypical aspects of modern Oz male culture including blokie blokes, sport guy, white collar snag guy, gay partnerships, plus a nasty manipulative bounder type and the inevitable crusty old Dad. It is done appealingly though and there are enough small anomolies and twist or turns to enable the characters to develop depth and help this series become awesome. Great cast, more than an nod to our growing multicultural society and a much needed look into families of all kinds. I hope it continues to grow and develop coz I think it has a lot of promise.


I love House Husbands - great cast and story. It has been commissioned for a second season which is good news.


Great to hear the second season is approved. Even when many viewers seem to like a show that doesn't mean it will continue. Whoever is in charge of TV land seems to base their decisions on a yard stick that I certainly don't understand. We viewers could all list dozens of shows we still mourn the loss of. This is great news and thanks for sharing the second season info with all of us House Husband fans.


started off very slowly but now has me waiting for next weeks show


I'm loving this show!

I'm not sure whether I like or hate the fact that they show many weeks ahead a a preview, not just parts of the next episode.


Alright show but it's totally biased and deficient in fact.

In regards to the divorced couple she can't just move and leave the dad no access to the kids and she can't just change their names without his legal consent. The courts don't allow either of these whether she has sole custody or not. Custody battles are bad enough in Australia without the media trotting out such tripe.


I agree. The name change thing annoyed me too but if she has sole custody and isn't denying him access I think she can move if she wants. Who knows what the rules are anymore? It seems to be all over the place nowadays. But I do agree with you that the writers could have been a lot more mindful of what is usual in these cases instead of going for the easy extreme/sensationalised version.


If she moved she would be denying him care. As he has been shown to have some care of the children they have shared care. If she moved, he would no longer be able to have care and she would be breaching the parenting orders. End result, he gets full care and she limited, supervised contact. Even if they tried to use his violent incidents against him in court, as they are unrelated to the children it would be irrelevant. In Australia you can threaten to kill your ex and still get care of the children. Bottom line is children must have regular contact with both Parents that's the law. The quality of that care is irrelevant and sadly that's the law too.

Half the people you know are below average.


I absolutely loved the first series and am eagerly awaiting the next!

I had been recording each episode and this week managed to get a start on it, three days later I was done. Oops!

Very glad they played an encore each week so I could record it.


Just what is so great about a tv series that seems to take something like domestic violence and make it 'all ok'?

I'm just going by the shorts I've seen for this tv, so please take that into account.

I'm noticing a huge amount of domestic violence against men on T.V. and in movies these days. Violence against women is an abhorrent thing, and something that should never happen. It should also be treated harshly by society as a thing that we do not want to see. Isn't this also true of violence against men?

I ask each and every one of us to reverse the roles:

If you're cheering when a woman slaps a man (as shown at 0:27 here consider... would you cheer if it was a man slapping a woman? What exactly make that action worthy of praise?

If you're laughing when a woman punches a man in the face (as shown at 00:31 here consider... would you laugh if it was a man punching a woman in the face? What exactly is funny about it?

Let's stop domestic violence, man to woman or woman to man.

I will not see this tv series because what the advertisements show makes me sick.



I watched it when it was first on and liked it until the last or second last season. Then they really start laying on the Woke bullshit and I was out. They weren't even subtle about it. The show was ok before then. I suspect it pissed a lot of people off as it didn't last long after that.
