That poster...

... is just terrible. They're all clearly photoshopped in there. Hell Cryer's face just looks shopped onto another person's body.

100 Greatest Action Movies -


I'm not even sure if that's a real body. It's Cryer's head, some weird smooth chest and upper arm, and who knows where the forearm holding the gun comes from.

The pictures of Sasso and Szostak look like they had nothing to do with the movie.

People here used to say I was high because of the stuff I said. I was actually a hyper 13-year-old.


I saw the poster on Twitter and I thought it was a sick joke.


it is one of the worst I have seen in recent years... what were they thinking?


The director was interviewed saying they only had a million $ budget. It was shot in Ottawa and the city supplied free parking, police security and public sets to help keeps costs down. The poster was probably done by someone's kid in MS Paint. I doubt Cryer did this for scale, so I wonder what the working capital was. The crew probably quadrupled up in motel rooms and snuck food out of the buffet to feed the grips. Really, a pretty good job for a film that feels like it is a more expensive low budget film.


Yeah, I think the production quality of the film is stunningly good given the shoestring budget. The poster really is the only thing that betrays how cheaply this picture was made.


I could do better than that, and my PS skills are intermediate at best. What the hell were they thinking? Even seeing it as a thumbnail it looks weird.
