
The "subliminal" electronic sign displaying 0.5% as Joel's character was driving inebriated through the streets of 5am Sydney would surely not be a deterrent to any drunk driver.... A level of 0.5 would kill a brown dog .....methinks they lost a zero in there and were aiming for 0.05!!


The BAC level is .05% Australia wide, dropped from the former limit of .08% which, in my opinion, was more realistic. I know it is .10% in California.

The lethal content of BAC is .632%, so .50% wasn't far off...he wouldn't have been able to see the road at .50% let alone the kid !!!


It's .08 in CA.


Good, I thought .10% was a tad high when I heard it years ago - must have been dropped.


I saw that sign too - given the figure (0.5%), I thought it was offering an introductory low interest rate loan, given BAC level is 0.05%. However, it might have been a subtle little dig...


exactly correct it was a car dealership probably offering 0.5% interest on car purchases, nothing to do with alcohol levels



Actually the average male should be able to have 2 standard drinks an hour (standard drink is 285ml normal strength beer, 30mls spirits or 100mls of wine) and be able to stay under .05

If you are pulled over roadside you can elect to wait 15 minutes if you have only recently had a drink so consuming one beer would not see you arrested for drink driving




That just isn't true.

Have you ever been breathalyzed after having two drinks?


They say (And I tend to believe) that driving whilst very tired and lack of sleep, is more dangerous than driving drunk. Interesting that it also showed the character as very beat, almost sleep deprived. He nods off for a few seconds behind the wheel one or two times.

That combined with alcohol, is a recipe for disaster. I have been very naughty over the years and have driven whilst plastered many times, but at that point, even I would have pulled over and called a cab.
