MovieChat Forums > Cold Justice (2013) Discussion > Talk about flimsy evidence

Talk about flimsy evidence

I just watched my 2nd episode of season 3 (Miss Congeniality) and I have to say the evidence they found was all circumstantial and heresay. They found no murder weapon linked to the defendant, no DNA evidence, no witness who directly saw the crime take place. Without at least one of those things you're just grasping at straws. I guess they did have one phone call between the two suspects, but that could easily be cast into doubt with the simplest of explanations. If they indeed got the DA to sign off on taking this case to court, then I really question the validity and functionality of our justice system.

Do I think the guy did it? Yes, but no where near beyond a shadow of a doubt. You still must have solid evidence to support your claim. I would think the detectives would know what is sufficient evidence, but apparently not. I can only imagine how fast the charges were dropped once a defense attorney got a look at the evidence brought against his client.

So my question is, are the majority of the episodes going to be like this? Where they review the case, don't really find anything that isn't already known and then use their cameras to bully the Prosecutor into taking an extremely weak case? That is actually doing a tremendous disservice to these unfortunate families who have gone through such loss.



Yeah, I've watched a couple more of them. It seems the new evidence is usually in the form of witnesses being more willing to talk to the police or advances in DNA technology. I haven't seen anything where they've uncovered anything new or had an "a-ha" moment.

I like the show however, mainly because I like to make a judgement call as to when I think they have enough evidence to be able to take the case to the prosecutor. Like the most recent one I watched, they had basically nothing, until they interviewed some guy who said the suspect offered him money to kill someone. Okay, now you have something.

I think it was that particular episode which rubbed me the wrong way. (Miss Congeniality; Season 3, Episode 2) They had nothing to push the case forward, but the prosecutor's office ran with it anyway. Like I said, I've watched a couple of more and they've been much better in this aspect.

