Kara killed Tex

and Chandler Sr.
If only she had shot Shaw when she had the chance, while rescuing President Oliver, they wouldn't be dead.

Also, if Kara's Mom and Little Frankie were travelling together with the Chandlers, why were only the Chandlers apprehended?


Kara was following regs, her main priority was taking care of the president Shaw was unarmed. Chandler himself said he didn't have to kill her. It was a judgement call. Plus Allison did say, there would have been someone else to take her place, so it could have been the next person to kidnapp the kids or even kill them too. I think maybe Shaw left Kara's baby alone as Kara didn't kill her, someone else could have killed them all


Don't make an excuse for weak writing and an absolutely moronic decision. If her main priority was protecting the president than killing the main person responsible for him being in immediate danger was the what she should've done. The world is not the same one they used to live in. The woman was a dangerous traitor and more people literally died because Kara was riding her high horse. Chandler is also a moron and a hypocrite who ironically did kill her.



ill care what you think weak writing is when you have a show on tv .

spectre can

suck it.


Weak writing should be the title of the show so why are you only hung up on that stupid scene?


Haha, I see what you did there. You used a 'shocking' subject line to get readers' attention, and then link Kara's not shooting Shaw earlier directly to the deaths of Tex and Chandler's father.

So let's follow that accusation to its logical conclusion. Wracked with guilt, Kara will confess to Chandler that she 'had the shot,' but didn't take it. She herself will link her lack of action directly to the deaths of Tex, Tom's father, and the kidnapping of his kids. Enraged, Tom might hand Kara over for court-martial, resulting in her possibly be imprisoned for decades. Or, unable to deal with that punishment, or unwilling to wait for the sentence, Kara might relieve Chandler of that weighty decision and tearfully tell her baby goodbye and take her own life. Because, after all, SHE, AND SHE ALONE, IS RESPONSIBLE.

... Even though that witch of the southern district leader would likely have stepped into Shaw's shoes and continued the dastardly plot anyway, being just as ruthless--if not more so--than Shaw had been. Or the military guy, who (even though he wasn't brilliant) was more than capable of carrying out the coup himself, could have taken charge, with the military (supposedly) firmly behind him. So yeah... killing Shaw wouldn't necessarily have solved the problem and ended everything right there in the hallway. 


and Chandler Sr.

Also Rachel and JFK.


No blah, blah, blah!


I think this is the best response so far...

Even though that witch of the southern district leader would likely have stepped into Shaw's shoes and continued the dastardly plot anyway, being just as ruthless--if not more so--than Shaw had been. Or the military guy, who (even though he wasn't brilliant) was more than capable of carrying out the coup himself, could have taken charge, with the military (supposedly) firmly behind him. So yeah... killing Shaw wouldn't necessarily have solved the problem and ended everything right there in the hallway.

OP you really cannot take such a simplistic view of cause and effect.

To the poster who suggested it was "poor writing" I say you are wrong. There were two ways the event in the hallway could have gone (Kara kills Shaw or Kara leaves without killing Shaw). There was a sound basis for each eventuality. The fact that the writer's chose one over the other is not an example of "poor writing" (although there are a number of those over the length of the show so far).

At the time I was thinking "shoot her, grrrrrrrrrr, why don't you shoot her!!!" but afterwards I wondered whether I could actually shoot an unarmed person (despite how much they deserved it) and that without the benefit of military training and having thought about it I accept that it made sense although it was not viscerally satisfying.

"I care about the law. It's justice I don't give a toss about." Cleaver Greene


I think in that situation, if Chandler was the one getting the president to safety, and with Shaw not being armed, he would have walked away too. Yes, we all wanted Kara to kill her, but 1, it didn't make for good drama, 2 Chandler showed he was human after all, and not the self righteous person of last season, and if Tex hadn't died, he probably would have had her taken away. But Kara did not kill Tex as Chandler would have done the same thing if he was put into that situation


At the beginning of the episode, Kara had said that her mother and the baby had separated from the Chandlers. I can't remember if a reason was given.


From what I remember a reason wasn't given. I thought it was strange at the time as if it was me I wouldn't have separated from them, especially knowing something was going on having two adults to protect the kids/newborn would be better then being alone!
Although makes sense why the writers did it now... Major loss to the show with tex death... Still love the show so hoping they have some good story lines to make up for his death.. The comedy may have died with tex though


If she'd taken the shot then they'd never have been able to present Shaw's and the other's guilt later on. Probably wouldn't have been able to get anywhere near the other four conspirators either.

It's difficult to successfully damn someone in the court of public opinion posthumously. Some would believe in her guilt, certainly, but at the time they were escaping with the President it would have driven what was left of the country into civil war or anarchy- and that's a best case scenario.

And on top of that -after an assassination- the other four certainly would have sold it as an act performed at Chandler's instigation. Chandler wouldn't have had a chance in hell of convincing what was left of the country/military to join him. Kara did the right thing. It was a shame it had to play out that way but it was the least of all evils.

Edit: And at least the way it shook out you have a line of soldiers who will testify that Shaw resorted to taking hostages.


Yeah they are together and at the finale only the father of chandler gpt killed.. Lol
