Maxwell's sex places

Maxwell said she was going to tell King the spots she had her trysts in. I think I heard her say the Washington Monument as one. Has she said any of the other places. I think she said there were 10 of them.


I kinda remember her saying something about the aquarium being one.


I guess the writers decided to drop this? After it was initially discussed, she whispered one to him in one other ep, and after that we've never heard any more about it (that I recall). I thought at first it would be an ongoing joke, but maybe not...

Tell your god to ready for blood.


Exactly, an ongoing joke. That means that it will be stretched out for awhile. I think the fact that they didn't rush to fit a reveal of all of them in this season means that they are confident they will get picked up for a second season (and they should be the show is great).

I highly doubt that the thread has been abandoned and I fully expect for the remaining sites to be revealed as the show goes on.


In one episode she said that one location was the Smithsonian, which is stupid since there are 19 museums (Air and Space, Portrait Gallery, National History, etc.) in the Smithsonian system, plus the National Zoo. The 2nd location? The National Zoo in front of the pandas (well SOMEONE had to!).

To fix IMDB's display last option (ref)


The Castle was the original Smithsonian Museum. I assumed that's what she meant since all the others have a different name.


...except that DC folks call it "The Castle" not "The Smithsonian Museum"


I was born and raised in DC. Thanks for telling me.


Happy to help. Also, they don't call it a "subway" - it's "The Metro." Anything else I can share, let me know.


What do they call the big building with the dome?


I think it really depends on which part of DC you're from, but lately everyone I know has called it "that collection of greedy shiftless bastards"

Philo's Law: To learn from your mistakes, you have to realize you're making mistakes.


My guess is Bill Clinton complained hard about the show giving away all the good places to hook up in Washington. It also helps Hillary when they're in DC and she's trying to find him.... again. After all, Weiner's made it all but impossible for Bill to find anyone in the NYC area.....


Good answer Dave. I'm not sure Hillary really wants to find him.


She still needs him for all those staged "spontaneous" photo opportunities that politicians love to be a part of. The handlers just have to make sure that Hillary's lipstick is the same shade as the one on Bill's collar.


He asks about the Washington Monument and she says something like "Do I seem that obvious?"
