Question for Swedes?

Why was Anna Odell bullied? I thought she was actually the most attractive woman at the reunion by far so it's kind of hard to imagine her being bullied.

Leave the gun, take the cannoli...


She was bullied because she was "weird" and "different". It's clearly stated in the film. Her looks has got nothing to do with it. You finding her to be "the most attractive" woman at the party is purely subjective anyway.

Even if you find it hard to imagine attractive people being bullied, it still happens every day. Your case here is pretty ignorant tbh.


It's very rare for an attractive person, especially a girl, to be bullied. All she'd have to do is latch onto some jock who'd be happy to have her. I find your comment to be pretty premenstrual syndromy.

Leave the gun, take the cannoli...


Please provide me with your epic truth about how bullying is always based on a girls looks.

Latch on to some guy who'd be happy to have her? What do you mean? That it's the girls fault that she doesn't just give her away to some random guy? yay for victim blaming.


Perhaps if you did not erect strawman arguments you would not fail so badly in attempting to make a point.

The persons you are spending to did not say "it is always based on a girl's looks."

Rather they said good looking girls are less often bullied, and very good looking girls rarely so, which is a fact born up by the science. We have the lots of science and studies on bullying victims. There is actually a lot of science on it.

With boys, height, physical strength matter a lot. with girls attractiveness level matters a lot.


I can certainly understand someone agreeing with this part of the comment:
"It's very rare for an attractive person, especially a girl, to be bullied."

This second part, however:
"All she'd have to do is latch onto some jock who'd be happy to have her. I find your comment to be pretty premenstrual syndromy."
is rank with primitive outdated sexism. What kind of normal civilized person in his/her right mind would write such utter nonsense? It is indefensible to blatantly state that girls should more or less prostitute themselves to be protected and accepted, and then go on to refer to a part of the natural occurring menstrual cycle as some form denigration and excuse not to take someones opinion seriously. Bloody remnant of the middle ages, he (I assume) needs to learn how to argue his point like a grown-up, acting like such a fool makes it impossible to take anything he says seriously; because he sounds like a f-----g ignorant idiot.


I also thought that Anna Odell seemed much too attractive to be a victim of bullying. I certainly don't remember any attractive person being bullied when I was at school! Actually, a study from a couple of years ago that found that unattractive people unfortunately even have a tendency to get bullied in the workplace.

However, I can think of two possible explanations of why Anna Odell was bullied at school.

a) She was an unattractive overweight teenager with goofy teeth, thick glasses and a big nose who has subsequently managed to improve her appearance. Nevertheless, she is still perceived to be of low status, either consciously or sub-consciously, by her schoolmates.

b) Although being unattractive significantly raises your probability of being bullied, being attractive does not guarantee you won't be bullied (in the same way that although smoking cigarettes raises the risk of lung cancer, being a non-smoker does not guarantee that you won't get this disease). As another poster has said, she may have just been a bit "different" from the crowd, and that was enough to get the bullies started onto her.


The tall, blonde douche in the end implied that Anna's timid, quiet behavior was off-putting. The woman she confronted at her workplace also implied that Anna's failure to initiate conversation put her off and possibly gave the impression that she disliked her classmates (though, I don't necessarily believe her when she says this). So, ultimately, it was her personality that may have turned her classmates off. We don't really know what she looked like in high school so, we can't go by what she looks like in the film. But, no one indicated that her looks were really a factor.
