Lost Sympathy for her

I liked the movie, especially the fact that I was tricked into thinking the first 30 minutes was the story's "real time". But better than half of the movie was about Anna's revenge so my original sympathy for her painful childhood faded as she went on and on and on with her quest to make her classmates atone for their behavior as juveniles. I mean, that was 20 years ago. You are a succesful famous artist now and probably doing better than many of them. Get over it !!!

Maybe if the tedious last 45 minutes were cut short my sympaythy for her would have stayed to the end.


Sometimes I also wonder if she went a bit too far.

I think that Anna Odell would argue that she pursued the matter so relentlessly more for the sake of the film than for a personal vendetta on her former classmates.

I should also point out that the people in the second half of the movie were actors rather her real classmates even though the scenes were based on how her actual former classmates reacted to her. It would be interesting to know if she actually pursued her real classmates as doggedly as she appeared to do with the actors.


Ultimately the film fails because the central character is herself a profound narcissist.


I actually think they deserved it. They acted horrible against Anna and she probably felt sick about this for years. She had my sympathy 200%.


Agreed- if that wasn't the director's intention, i consider it badly made movie! NOt being friends with someone isn't bullying!


Coz lifes too short to listen to Madlib
