I just noticed

I just noticed that the actor playing Jimi has slightly darker skin than the real Jimi. I just hope this is as good as the Beatles film Backbeat and the Doors film by Oliver Stone where the cast all look like the people they are playing.


In an interview with E!, Andre 3000 said he was going to undergo a series of "skin bleaching" in order to lighten up his complexion. Hopefully it will get him to the right shade or else they just lost themselves a ticket sale.


Hopefully it will get him to the right shade or else they just lost themselves a ticket sale.

I sigh for humanity.


No, I sigh for humanity. So gullible...


Get a grip!


Most black people are not the same shade of brown- especially Americans.


Right because what REALLY made Jimi Hendrix so great was his skin color. *huge eye roll* Come on guys think about what you just said for a minute.
Val Kilmer looks nothing like Jim Morrison but was still great in the role.

Natures first green is gold, her hardest hue to hold..nothing gold can stay


Andre 3000 looks more like Hendrix in this than ANYONE else could possibly come close too. He is the perfect choice for this, his background in music (Outkast) and solo stuff, combined with his already established acting career only adds to my confirmation he will be great! It looks like he nailed it! Skin being too dark? Please! Don't go see this movie if you're only concern was looks, you have no taste and do not understand Hendrix, so just don't go see it, racist basterds. MY ONLY concern, (BEFORE I SAW THE TRAILER) was Andre's voice. He has a much higher voice than Jimi. Jimi has a much more baritone voice. And, since Jimi was a musician, voice is KEY. HOWEVER, after watching the trailer, I can clearly see that Andre changed/altered his voice, made it deeper, and he sounds DEAD ON like Hendrix. I was SO impressed, my concern about his voice dropped immediately! He is gonna do a FANTASTIC portrayal, even if the directing sucks.


err, they'll use makeup and lighting and probably other stuff
