MovieChat Forums > Murder in the First (2014) Discussion > On the whole Hildy/Terry thing

On the whole Hildy/Terry thing

Maybe they need to check with that other TNT cop procedural Major Crimes, apparently not only can co-workers have sexual relations on that show, but bosses can sleep with subordinates, and it's no problem!

Seriously, this is the reason why I’ve always been against partner hook up scenario’s because it typically does not add anything new to the dynamic of the show. I read in the next episodes info that Hildy is going on a date! Now perhaps this is just a way to throw everyone off of the fact that she and Terry will continue to see each other secretly, or the show is officially going to get them over each other by quickly hooking them up with new people?

A part of me is hoping it’s just a fake-out, because if they officially hook them up and then break them up that suddenly, it makes me wish they’d kept it as business as they had kept them the first two seasons!

I WANNA CONQUER THE WORLD... or at least the tri-state area


The boss sure had a lot of nerves because Hilgy caught him and his boss together in season one. The series caved in getting the characters out of there clothes, my guess is they will cave again in putting them back together again. We got into and wanted them with each other so if they just let it go so easily it's like it meant nothing. And that doesn't sit well with this fan.

I usually don't ship police partners, but these two are obviously in love and since they already caved in putting them together, I hope through there trials and tribulations they can hold on and become a family.

Frankly, I don't care about the sleazy D A and his power grab accidental death case. And I'm losing interest in who killed the quarterback Normandy. Terry and Hilgy's story is the best thing they have going this season.

I believe Terry was in love with Hilgy even before his wife died and she knew it and so did his wife. Just as Higly druggie ex knew Terry and his wife were more than partners they just could not act on it.


The boss sure had a lot of nerves because Hilgy caught him and his boss together in season one

Which is why I think he's against them getting together. He doesn't want the work to suffer. Plus, from what I can remember he doesn't know that Hildy saw them together, nor did she tell anyone about it. She may throw it in he's face later in the season. Let's see....

~Silence is Golden and Duct tape is Silver~


I don't think she broke up with him because of the work if I remember correctly, she was having issues in her marriage and he became to clingy. He fell hard for her and to her he was just above a friends with benefits. I think she was using him to some extent. I can't put my finger on it with this guy because they don't really seem to know what to do with him.

Maybe he is jealous of Terry or something went wrong with them in the past. Remember when he was indifferent with Terry when his wife died, kinda the same thing when Terry took his position when he was hospitalized. Maybe I'm over reaching...What do you think? I mean Mouk or his partner hasn't noticed it, neither has the lesbian gal whom wants Hilgy for herself. So why is he watching Terry so hard.


Yes, the DA was only having fun/toying with him, when he clearly wanted more.

He also mentioned to Terry that he was next in line to replace him, and also that he was offered a job last year. I don't think he's jealous of Terry. He just sees the unit as he's family and doesn't want to part with them.

Terry and Hildy were finishing each other sentences, giggling etc. He knows the signs of a secret affair I guess. The comp tech would probably pick up on it to, if she actually had any scenes. I like her as the comp tech, but flirting with Hildy should be left out of the equation.

~Silence is Golden and Duct tape is Silver~


since season 1 they have built this relationship in a way that says, these two need to be with each other so... and they made it actually acceptable, because i usually hate those situations in tv shows (castle, the mentalist, etc...) hate those...

by the end of the season they're back together... If they are adult or grown up like she said, they might also realize you do not get a chance to meet someone who complement them, the way they do each other so work is work, life is bigger... one of then can join the fbi and they'll find a way to pair them up


It's different. Koto is a cop and he was sleeping with the DA--not his boss. If he was knocking boots with his captain or chief, that would be the kind of breach he's nailing Terry for.


this show made us believe she had cancer, he wanted to move in with her, terry had his career on the line she lied in official inquiery to protect him, they start a relationship, get discovered like two little kids and boom they break up because they are defined by their work...

wow ok


i thought they could continue there affair if they wanted to just keep on the down low. It's none of his business if they act appropria


I like them together. They are not sickening sweet over the top.


The cute lesbian hasn't noticed them, Mouk and his partner haven't noticed them, and for the most part we as viewers hasn't exactly seen them running through tall grass planting a great kiss either. They have been careful, which is why I was surprised of this story arc. So far as story arcs go, all they have is the Terry and Hilgy's Work/home mostly home romance that is working this season.

I wish they would bring back Mouk's gal


now after one date Terry is replaced by Burnside?

and we're going to go through the Terry is Jealous phase??? i'll wait the end of the season to see where they are goin with this...

by the way they had to hide their relationship to her daughter but Burnside gets introduced on first date?

maybe she didn't like terri after all if she felt like they had to hide...


Its all a smoke screen like when Terry had that gang cop last season. They will always find themselves drawn back to each other. WHY, Because he is in love with her and despite distractions coming from all directions she can't fight him off forever. I think it's love with them, since it's on hold for right know she will just keep him close.


I would rather the two main detectives just be professionals. Friends okay but why does everything have to become a hook up. Men and women work closely together all over the world without having sex - why can't shows just reflect that?!


Steven Bochco was also the creator of NYPD Blue and their were many romances taking place in that squad so not sure why now they are making it such an issue now on MITF.


Yes I remember that. At one time Andy was dating the blond, Zach Morris was dating the brunette but she later dated the La Bamba Lt. Medavoy dated Donna - Jimmy Smits dated Diane. Seems like half that show was hook ups.

I don't mind it, I'd just like for once it to just be a male/female equal professional partnership. This is 2016 for goshsakes, everything doesn't have to get physical.


Honesly the whole male/female partnership that evolves in romance is the most tired cliché of tv shows, whether it's cops, private investigators, spies, business partners, colleagues, you name it. It annoys me that this show went for it.


I agree with the OP on the partner-hookup thing. It killed SVU. But I do think Taye Diggs sells it on a higher level than most. Still would prefer more focus on the procedural aspects. That's what this kind of show is truly about. But...I'm impressed with Mr. Diggs. The scenes with Hildy's daughter are a cut above.

Still. More psychos, less love. I'd watch Hallmark if that's what I was after to begin with...


SVU has been dead years before any coupling of partners occurred.

Hildy and Terry its not bad. Took 3 seasons to happen and its not sappy.

~Silence is Golden and Duct tape is Silver~


Hildy and Terry its not bad.

I disagree. My enjoyment of the show has been diminished by this ridiculous, unbelievable storyline.
