MovieChat Forums > Murder in the First (2014) Discussion > EP.8...Hildy saying "I LOVE YOU" at the ...

EP.8...Hildy saying "I LOVE YOU" at the end was really sweet.

that Terry/Hildy moment at the end of ep.8 with Hildy saying "I LOVE YOU" was a really wonderful, natural/organic moment between the 2 characters. i love that they made up/got over the awkwardness and anger. i've never been a "shipper" of these 2 characters (i've never been against them being a couple either) but after last night's "I LOVE YOU" scene i'm now rooting for them to be a couple.


It was a good scene. But, it was more fun watching them bicker and Molk and Navarro having those curious looks on their faces.

I didn't buy the shrink's explanation about the gift. Hildy was just mad at Teri, because she wants to be with him but can't so she's acting out.

I'm interested to see how their relationship plays out in the next 2 episodes.

~Silence is Golden and Duct tape is Silver~


I honestly didn't even know what a "shipper" was when I read your post, had to go look it up on Urban Dictionary (lol). Then again, I'm too old to pretend to be up on all the cool kids lingo these days.

Anyways, I'm not sure I'm sold on Terry and Hildy as a couple yet. But I do secretly root for anyone trying to find love against the odds. They both seem to be people who deserve better than what they've had, at least. So I'm certainly not rooting against them.


kojo62, i only learned what "shipper" means very recently! lol. i'm "old" too and i had no idea what that term meant when i started seeing it being used constantly on IMDB.


They have good chemistry and banter, but as soon as they become a couple, it gets boring to watch.
