MovieChat Forums > Murder in the First (2014) Discussion > Hildy & Terry, that's the show...

Hildy & Terry, that's the show...

and as resolution for their relationship they give us that hand holding scene???

their interaction, their relationship, is the core of the show, the whodunit is just an invitation in their lives of course the plot has to be good, but still Hildy and terry are the core of the show...

Resolving their emotional roller coaster the way they did was poor writing... they should have given us more than that...


Maybe I missed something, but why did they take up so much time introducing another crime into the mix (the father and the girl getting beaten). Used up valuable time.


What did you think about that? The one where the father gets put in jail because he was wanted in Arizona or something? It felt like they put that in there just to fill time with Molk and Navarro.


And this is the very reason why I hate the need to emphasize these partner "hook-up" angles because often we get no satisfying resolution since the payoff is typically anticlimactic to the effort they put into the inclusion of the story in the first place.

If you're going to hint at a real "I love you" and "you love me" notion you've built upon and culminated with them becoming sexual, you've got to end on a more definitive note than holding hands! Last years asinine finale in which the female cop ends up helping the very murdering/drug dealer she had worked all season to arrest, even runs away with him had more of a definitive statement than Terry/Hildy's hand holding!

I WANNA CONQUER THE WORLD... or at least the tri-state area
