MovieChat Forums > Murder in the First (2014) Discussion > Set in San Francisco - but there are no ...

Set in San Francisco - but there are no lesbians and gay men?

How can a series be set in modern day San Francisco but exclude lesbians and gay men from its ensemble of characters? All the hookups so far have been hetero.

I'm a fan of MitF, but c'mon!


Kami has a thing for Hildy.


Kami Keifer (the Technology Officer) is a lesbian. Dustin's attorney last season was a lesbian was well, there was a whole storyline about her breakup with her wife.


I see in the cast list that the "Kami Keefer" character has appeared in 17 episodes to-date. That makes her a part time recurring character. Is she lesbian or bisexual? Has she been portrayed as being only oriented towards women? Has she been shown in a hook-up with a woman? If it happened, I must have blinked.

The lesbian couple characters from season 2 were not recurring characters for the series as a whole.

Perhaps MitF has not ignored the presence of lesbians and gay men in the world its story is set in. But having them only as marginal elements does not exactly make them participants in the series' ensemble of season-to-season recurring characters.


Kami has a thing for Hildy and they've shown her leering at her a few times...


Kami has a thing for Hildy and they've shown her leering at her a few times...

I wouldn't use the word "leering" to describe Kami checking out Hildy.

In any event, looking does not equal doing. Has Kami been shown hanging out with women presumed lesbian? Has Kami been shown having sex with a woman?


It is leering, and if it was a man, it would be totally inappropriate. They've asked her to do her job, and Kami has said things like, "No problem, but only if Hildy comes and sits next to me."


Kami is a lesbian. You're trying too hard with this thread.


Until Kami is shown being intimate only with a woman (and I don't mean sipping a cocktail at a bar, dining in a restaurant, girl talking, etc.) -- she could just as well be bisexual.


The "main" cast is very small, the majority are recurring. So in the small main cast, is it too out of reality that none of them would be gay/lesbian? I don't think so. And they're the ones we see hook up most of the time. Unlike say Stiletti who's indiscretions have him in hot water when it comes to his story line. As another poster stated, unless it has something directly to do with the story line, why have it? There's too many shows that show the sex, just for the heck of it. I don't they need it with this one except for it's main stars Hildy & Terry. And like I said in another post, even Koto's hookup is now leading to him being comprised in the murder investigation.


If it happens in the course of the show, then fine, but don't force the issue onto the characters just for the sake of having gay characters. It should have a direct impact on the story line if used. The writers don't make a big deal of pronouncing a person's heterosexuality, so why should they make a deal of homosexuality?

"Let's eat Granny!! Let's eat, Granny!!"
Punctuation matters.


The writers don't make a big deal of pronouncing a person's heterosexuality, so why should they make a deal of homosexuality?

Have you been watching the same series everyone else has?

Every time a man + woman are shown getting it on with each other the writers are not only pronouncing their heterosexuality -- they're making a huge deal about it.

It may be going over your head because you see straight hookups so often in so many TV shows that you take it for granted, but showing sex on screen is a statement. Which two characters have sex together is a statement. The kind of sex they have is a statement, too.

Terry English + Raffi Veracruz
Terry English + Hildy Mulligan
Jim Koto + Serena Parrish

Heterosexual energy flows like lava on MitF.


Well, I never looked at it like that. But is it a statement about heterosexuality that's being announced, or are the writers using it as a vehicle for moving the story forward somehow? If they aren't doing it for a reason, I'd just as soon not see it.

I'm still lost about Koto and Serena. Could they not have had the same advancement of the story without sex? When Terry and Raffi first hooked up it was so totally random it was just puzzling to me.

Please know--I'm not homophobic in the least, and I'm no prude. I have the same notion about all sex in programs--if it doesn't add to the story, then everybody should just simmer down. There are plenty of movies being made for (shall we say?) adult entertainment and R-rated movies dso we don't have to really have every single tv program full of sex and graphic violence, too, I think.

"Let's eat Granny!! Let's eat, Granny!!"
Punctuation matters.


Serena & Koto-he's been compromised now.


Oh, for sure. His credibility is gone, and the first clue was the way Terry's face changed when he heard Koto say the door was opened, no forced entry. I started feeling bad for him right then, because it's a gigantic snowball just tumbling down that hill of Koto's Lost Career.

"Let's eat Granny!! Let's eat, Granny!!"
Punctuation matters.


If they aren't doing it for a reason, I'd just as soon not see it.

That's fine in your world. But this is a series where sex and violence are main forces that drove the plots of the first and second seasons, and now the third.

What the writers want the audience to think about:

Did he/she have sex with her/him before she/he died?
Who's doing who?
Are they going to get it on?
Will the others find out he/she was sexually involved with her/him?
How is their hooking-up going to affect them?

Yada yada yada.


Well, I think we're actually saying the same thing. Those instances you said are part of the storyline, so then I have absolutely no problem with it. It's just those sex-for-sex-sake that I mean.

"Let's eat Granny!! Let's eat, Granny!!"
Punctuation matters.


I feel the same way, and asked the same question. 3 whole seasons now and no major gay characters?

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I'm surprised they haven't gone there since almost every single tv show theses days has. But to be fair, they do have gay characters on the show. If you're that hard up for some gay action, I'm sure you could find it elsewhere pretty easily.
I'm with the other poster who said they would rather they leave the sex out, either way. I don't need a full on sex scene to know that that 2 people slept together. It's hard these days to watch any show as a family because they all seem to be competing for who can be the sexiest, the most vulgar, the most violent or gross. Even just your regular local channels are just as bad. And they used to be considered pretty safe.
Not saying every show has to be family friendly, just that I wish there were more shows that were.
