MovieChat Forums > Murder in the First (2014) Discussion > Wow..this really took a dive.

Wow..this really took a dive.

I will admit I started watching this show about 3 months ago during the summer hiatus. I like cops shows and wasnt expecting much. The first few eps had something, while not great, it was entertaining enough as was the rest of the season. The whole romance element I figured would happen. So, when they sort of got it out of the way early on I was relieved. The second season came out the gate strong, then there was a lull but overall it was decent. I found it interesting how the female lead slowly faded into the background.

And now this season, it is like they took all the bad ideas out of the garbage and just strung them together. Granted there are some glimmers but nothing substantial.

Eye Kant Spel; Bigg Deel!


This arc with the football player and pop star has certainly been sloppily thrown together. I really enjoy robertson and diggs together as the 2 leads, which is why i’m still watching, but it definitely isn’t the same show from the first 2 seasons. The DUI case has been pretty grating to watch, too. The woman he was cheating on his wife with is just a conniving bitch.


i agree season 1, while not amazing, was the best season yet. season 2's first 2 or 3 eps were very good but then the rest of the season (and it's crowded 236 different storylines!!) was terrible. the ending of season 2 (with the female cop and the drug dealer guy escaping to Tahiti (or wherever) was insultingly stupid. ).

season 3 hasn't been all that great but it's light years better than season 2 IMO. at least season 2 is more focused (there's thankfully only 3 or so storylines) and we get more character moments from our 2 leads (Terry/Hildy).

but adpix2001, overall i agree w/ you. it's a watchable/serviceable season 3 but it's pretty bland/forgettable.


They ending up in Tahiti was no where near as bad as the The drug lord and his second-in-command command facing off with guns pointing at each other then apparently neither shoots the other and a truce is called. Of course this was all off screen. Or did he actually kill his second in command?


Someone on this forum said that season 3 is "even worse" than season 2, which has me worried, the second season is already quite terrible as it is and I am currently struggling to finish it. However reading your more positive opinions about the third season does bring some relief for me. I suppose it's all based on individual opinions.


Season 3 has a few faults - but its 10 times better than S2.

I was very upset when the show was renewed for a third season after the tragedy of S2. But, 3 is not as bad as 2. S1 is the best season so far but 3 is watchable.

~Silence is Golden and Duct tape is Silver~


I share your opinion! It's how I feel too!


I agree. I think S3 is better than S2, but that isn't hard given how raggedy all the various plot lines were last year. Both seasons tended to get a little too soapy.

I think S1 was best, mainly because of everything being focused into a single case plot line.

I'd like to see the show return to that one main story-arc formula if it continues into future seasons. I think that's what appealed to me about it originally, and it's what works best for this particular show.


Same. Season 1 was the best, even though it's not really a standout amongst cop shows.

Hildy has become so unlikeable. She's just moody and bitchy and different than when the show started. I felt she had a sense of humor, at least a little. Now she's just sullen and too cool for school. Dislike!


Same. Season 1 was the best, even though it's not really a standout amongst cop shows.

Hildy has become so unlikeable. She's just moody and bitchy and different than when the show started. I felt she had a sense of humor, at least a little. Now she's just sullen and too cool for school. Dislike!

Unfortunately her looks don't add to people's perception of her. She looks snooty in whatever she plays in. Guess it's the nose.

I liked this season a little more than the first, but it was SOOOOOO anti-climatic in the final episode. It almost ruined a good season. I look forward to season 3, if there is a renewal.

"the world's smartest man poses no more threat to me than does its smartest termite." -Dr. Manhattan


Season 3 is definitely better than season 2, but the first season was the best by far.
Season 2 had way too much going on but ironically, I think season 3 didn't have enough.
