MovieChat Forums > Tokarev (2014) Discussion > Awful, Shameless, Pointless

Awful, Shameless, Pointless

I thought after "Joe" Cage might have decided to be more careful about which roles he chose. Nope.

With turds like this I normally would've stopped watching after the first 20 mins, but I was strangely curious to see just how bad it could get.

Basically it has no redeeming features; its painting by numbers, spouting off cliche after cliche, at one point I thought Glover would utter "I'm too old for this s**t". Really pointless plot, bad acting, lots of comically bad shaky cam during dull car chases and fights in the hopes that they could disguise how poorly it was choreographed and setup.

Another shameless heap of crap with Mr.Cage.

Oh yeah, Peter Stormare actually plays an Irishmen in this. Honestly its impossible to tell if its just one big joke. I mean why bother casting him when he sounds anything BUT Irish?


watchin now. mom looks too young to have a kid that age. turns out the acrresses are 13 years apart


Should probably watch more than 5 minutes before commenting.

Not her mom.


How could the producers cast a (then) 19 year old (Aubrey Peeples) to play a 15 year old girl (Caitlin Maguire), with a Sweet 16 party coming up? She didn't look the part. It made no sense at all.


A 16-year-old girl can pass for a 19-year-old woman and vice versa. Just because you know she's older doesn't mean everyone else knows as well.


out of all the *beep* you can complain about this film you only care that a 19 year old played a 15 year old girl? Have you ever watched a film before? That is such a none issue its ridiculous you even brought it up. Literally 95% of films with characters 15 yrs old are usually played by actors of an older age. Have you ever seen Superbad? American Pie? Breakfast Club?


Better than Taken. That's a 30 some odd year old playing a 17 year old. And, again, every movie about teenagers does this.


In its defense, Hitchcock cast a woman only 10 years Cary Grant's senior as his mother in North by Northwest. I think this complaint is moot.


Actually, Jessie Royce Landis was only eight years Cary Grant's senior. What is worse is Angela Lansbury played Laurence Harvey's mother in The Manchurian Candidate, and she was only two years his senior.


dumbest comment ever


It was her step mom. Didn't you see the part where she says that she isn't blood but it's still her daughter? Pay attention.


there is one line of dialogue to tell us that, nothing else. It was a really weird point in time to let us know she wasn't actually her mother. So much so it seemed tacked on, like someone pointed out the actress looks too young half way through making the movie so they shot that phone conversation.


Just got done watching the movie and there's more than "one line of dialogue". Before Cage and wifey leave for dinner, they're talking about college tuition and she makes a point to call Cage out when he's about to say "she's my daughter." I thought then already that she wasn't the biological mom because that'd be a weird distinction for Cage to make if she was daughter to both of them.

That one might not have been enough to force you to realize it, so a couple minutes later she explicitly calls out the fact that she's not the mom when she gives the kids the "don't smoke" speech and chooses to start by saying "Caitlin, I'm not your mother." Caitlin also calls her by her first name shortly after that. Granted, some kids call their parents by their first name, but it's uncommon and she doesn't call her dad by his first name which makes it even more unlikely.

By the time it gets to the phone conversation you mentioned, it should be more than obvious that she's not actually the biological mother.


Lol, the film tells you TWICE WITHIN THE FIRST TEN MINUTES that she is not her real mother.


I guess I might have noticed those two mentions if the movie wasnt so bad right from the start.


Or if you'd pay attention. It really isn't that hard to do so for 10 minutes. I've never put a movie on in the background and immediately gotten on the internet while it was playing to talk about how awful it is without actually watching it. That would be stupid.

"Nothing says "OBEY ME" like a severed head on a fence post."


There's at least 5 times it was mentioned that she's not her real mom, Nic Cage even said that her real mother died of stage 4 breast cancer.


mom looks too young to have a kid that age

the actress is 34 is it bad to have a child with age 19 or 20? nevertheless this is a damn movie not reality!


Within 8 or 9 minutes into the movie it is pretty clear that she is her step mother. She also makes a reference to that later in the movie.


She wasn't her biological mom, nice attention span idiot

Dead Or Alive, Your Coming With Me!


It was obvious from the very beginning that she was her STEPMOTHER. If only you're paying attention and use your brains.


man I have too totally agree on this as it is a total farce as absolutely no one would act like this under the circumstances they were in and I mean all scenes of this movie it is insulting ... I am actually trying to put a coherent .. not working as I am so angry at the garbage that they are putting out .. I mean I don't always expect a perfect storyline but this is beyond belief shame on you


Director, or second unit, seems to be off making loads of stylistic shots for no reason, step mother at home sits on stairs all day as time lapse type effect shows the day pass! What, why?
Then all the action scenes are terrible staged/shot. The car chase is like an 80's TV movie. 50% of the acting is below amateur hour. Put that with a terribly misjointed plot and bad editing, you have 90 minutes of your life wasted.

Nick, for the love of god stop making these terrible films.


Lol I don't know what the fuss is. I actually enjoyed it. Sure it won't win any Oscars but it's still better than any crap Steven segal churns out.

It kept me entertained throughout and it's quite obvious it's a low budget action flcik, before you even put it on you know what you're getting. It never claimed to be a Hollywood blockbuster but just little film.

So I don't see all the fuss. There are many many more films out there that are much much worse.


You are right, no-one is worse than Segal. Hmm. maybe Dominic Purcell. This guy is unbearable.


But when we go to watch a movie for Nicolas, we don't have to compare with Segal !
It's probably the worst movie for Cage!


Decent hair-piece budget ?


Peter Stormare was supposed to be Irish????
I watched it, and never once got the idea he was Irish. Whilst I wasnt paying strict attention, playing games at the same time, I thought he was a Russian mobster like the other guy.


I dont blame you for not paying attention because the film was crap, but yeah, Stormare plays "Francis O'Connell" the leader of the Irish Mob (he sounds utterly ridiculous). The other guys were the Russian mob, but Cage and his crew were Irish.


Yeah, watched this last night.... ok, I liked the twist at the end, but it was like someone grabbed all the cliches from other films, threw them in a bucket and pulled then out in random order.

There was very little continuity in this, at one point the wife says, 'do what you have to do, I understand' the next scene she complains that he's running off doing what he has to do....come on!

And as for the final bedroom scene? Why????? just to make sure there wasn't a Tokarev 2? (Thank fk for that!)

The car chase, well.... I mean some dude on a bike controls it all? Personally I would have simply swiped him off and hey presto I can continue chasing the car.

Nah, I've watched Cage films, thought them passable but uhhhhh.... not one that I'll add to my collection.


Just a(nother ?) possible plot-hole, how did the police investigators missed the absence of any foot/boot-prints inside the house ? It was raining, and 'if' someone did break in, won't they leave some serious footprints ? The police seemed to have believe the story the youngsters told them in a blink of an eye !

5/10, Can't believe such movies are from the same actor who was in 'Leaving Las Vegas'

.... because Ideas are BULLETPROOF !!!


Seriously, if you call a movie 'Rage,' go full Steven Seagal on it.

Don't parse sentences. Kick ass.

This movie was stupid and boring.


I rarely--and I mean rarely--turn a movie off before it ends, even if it stinks. And I love Nicholas Cage. I turned this movie off before it ended, though, and found the end online. The end sounded awful.

To cleanse the palate and restore my faith in Mr. Cage, I am watching "Joe" now. Much better, but I do hope he brings the dog inside the house before the end of the movie.

The gene pool could use a little chlorine......


Idiots Morons and Douche-bags? You're right you should just make up your own mind. ...but i'm curious what else you expected to see on an IMDB movie board, that isn't someones opinion on a movie?
