MovieChat Forums > Trophy Wife (2013) Discussion > This show was so much better...

This show was so much better...

Than Mom...idk how that show is still on...



Hey, Mom is hilarious!

But this show was equally awesome, in my opinion. TV networks have been pissing me off for years with their terrible choices in what to renew and what to cancel. There have been so many good shows the last few years and were giving me hope that good TV was coming back: Trophy Wife, The McCarthy's, The Gifted Man, Emily Owens.

I don't know whether to blame the networks or the idiot viewers who don't know good entertainment when they see it. But things are getting better...every season, I'm noticing that for they're keeping 1 or 2 good new shows and canceling an equal or higher amount of poor older shows. Hopefully, we're at the beginning age of another good era for TV. Because I can't see myself watching "Nick @ Nite" in 20 years enjoying the TV from 2000-2010.


A gifted man and trophy wife were great but I disagree on the McCarthys it was terrible and cheaply done with low level writing. Mom is not hilarious either it has its moments of funny but it steers way closer too dead serious and dramatic big issues yet they label it a comedy. It's a dramedy which is an oxymoron. I also agree their have been many great shows that get cancelled but all that isn't on the networks. Trophy wife was avoided like a plague because of its name people who never watched it would never guess comedy they would guess reality show about Donald trump and his wife or another stupid drama. A gifted man was treading in dangerous religious waters and a lot of people will exile shows for that reason alone. Other times shows get the axe with high ratings cause viewership is old. Example when I was 18 I bought a Rolex for 5000$ even though I couldn't afford too how many 50 year olds do you know that will get a full time job just to buy a watch?


ey, Mom is hilarious!

But this show was equally awesome, in my opinion. TV networks have been pissing me off for years with their terrible choices in what to renew and what to cancel.

Show get cancelled if they don't make a profit or they don't reach a favorable demographic. If a show gets cancelled the majority of the blame or praise goes to viewers. Networks don't cancel liked shows just to upset people.

Arrow Season 4 is going to blow.
