Turn on Subtitles

So I'm watching episode 12 - "Misunderstood" from itunes and turn on the subtitles because the dialogue in the gay bar is hard to understand. I leave them on during the table read scene the next day and there is at least one joke in the subtitles that has been edited out of the video.

The joke goes like this:
Neil, how am I gonna talk to a rape victim, right?

<dialogue says this line>
It's awkward at best

<subtitles say these lines>
I always kill them after I rape them.
Okay, that joke was too far.
Don't say you kill and rape them.

<dialogue back in sync with the subtitles>
Neil, you have to understand a joke is a joke

I had a friend check the broadcast version from FX and it was the same way.


Same in Hulu.
