"Separation" shot

I just watched this on Netflix in 2D, so I missed the "separation" shot which is apparently the highlight of the film. Oh well. Probably would have been worth it to see in 3D. I wasn't too impressed with the 2D version.


What is this "separation" shot supposed to be? I also watched the 2D version.

"[Cinema] is a labyrinth with a treacherous resemblance to reality." - Andrew Sarris


You know the two scenes in the movie where two different shots are on top of each other?

Imagine seeing a different image in each eye.


the 3D effect is a result of 2 images of the film side by side. at one point two characters go in diferente directions. the left image follow the one character and the right image folow the other character. the result is that the side by side turns to be with 2 different images disturbind the 3D sensation. Godard deconstructs a lot this 3D sensation at many points in the film in many ways.


These shots were interesting, but for me almost physically painful, almost felt like a puch to the eyes the first time cause they weren't prepared for the two seperate bits of information. Once you started opening and closing one eye at a time to see what was going on in each angle it was a really cool experiments, but not worth the head almost exploding :-) Did anyone else have the same experience?


I was lucky enough to catch the film in 3D. There is virtually no point to see it in 2D.

100 Greatest Action Movies - http://www.imdb.com/list/ls000708268/


If there was one it didn't register.
