MovieChat Forums > They Came Together (2014) Discussion > Very confused about this movie.

Very confused about this movie.

It wanders between a dismal Saturday Night Live skit, it has brief "airplane" style slapstick, and then tries to do parody, albeit unsuccessfully.
I think I laughted twice, once during the "condom bowl" thing, and the white supremacist parents.
Other than that it was pretty awful. A shame to see General Zod reduced to a last minute caricature of an ex-con with a sword.


I thought the exact same thing, very Airplane.

Bit with the jazz saxophonist and bar scene.


Yeah, no... it's just that you don't get it. It was absolutely brilliant.


Katie gets an agree!
This is an example of brilliant writing, perfect casting and great directing. Hilarious movie. So, I'm sorry, but the only way you could have not gotten it is if you weren't watching it.
Part that makes this film brilliant is the fact that honestly, there isn't anything for you to "get". It's just.... Is what it is. They say exactly what would be expected, they do exactly what would be expected in any other film. This movie was very well thought out. Love it


It's entirely possible to get it without thinking it's funny.

Yes yes, we've all seen the trope play done a thousand times before. Congratulations on recognizing something they went painfully out of their way to make clear.

This was long on snark and short on laughs. I'm a huge fan of most of the main cast and I've been a fan of Wain since he was on MTV, as well as his other films.

This film simply treated the execution as if the concept of pointing out tropes by itself would be funny. It's not. It's a concept still waiting for an execution.


It's funny, because that's exactly how I felt about 22 Jump Street ? to a T. I think I went into They Came Together with lower expectations, and expected something more out of 22JS, which people were lauding as better than the first. I enjoyed my TCF experience, though Wain can do better. 22JS just felt like a waste of my time.


Haven't seen 22JS, don't really plan to. The first was kind of funny but I never felt a need to see more of it.
