MovieChat Forums > They Came Together (2014) Discussion > Blu-ray review for "They Came Together"

Blu-ray review for "They Came Together"

The best spoofs are made by people who clearly have an affection for the material they’re mocking. (Like what Edgar Wright and Simon Pegg did for zombie movies and action comedies with "Shaun of the Dead" and "Hot Fuzz.") David Wain and Michael Showalter, as evidenced by their comments in the Special Features section and this movie’s specificity, absolutely fall in that category.

"They Came Together" is shoddier and not as well-made as those Wright/Pegg collaborations, and it’s almost definitely too weird to garner the widespread affection earned by the likes of "Airplane!" and "The Naked Gun." However, there are more than enough on-target barbs here that it could become a cult favorite or a funny antidote to whatever sickeningly sweet rom-com might be invading theaters soon.

Special features include a commentary, a table read, a Making of, and a lot of deleted scenes. Click below for our full review.


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