MovieChat Forums > The Homesman (2014) Discussion > There were slaves in Iowa?

There were slaves in Iowa?

Couldn't help but notice the slaves in Iowa when Briggs arrived there. I did't there were slaves that far north.

Anyways, it was a really good movie. I found it odd that 3 women in a small town all lose their minds about the same time, but I guess you gotta have a story.


Oh my freaking god....Public education at work.

451,021 slaves counted in the 1860 census of the States that made up the North, some even slaves of free blacks.


And you knew that number? Or did you get some "public education" and look it up.


I knew slaves were held by the North, even by free blacks when I was no older than 12. I also knew at 12 that Lincoln's emanciaption only freed those in the South not the North.

Look, you got caught in buying into Progressive propaganda. You can free yourself from that by more study of history.


I didn't buy into shit. It was just something I didn't know. Geez....


You handled this like a champ. I admire your restraint and humility. It made the other poster seem petty and disagreeable


I agree (and thanks). I simply didn't know what I didn't know. Some people just like to be dicks behind their computer screens.


