Worst actor is...

Arielle Brachfeld (Vanessa Dane) espeically during the scene when the girl falls down the steps and she's cry. Had me cracking up the entire time. Her acting was TERRIBLE. The movie wasn't half bad, but her...smh!

"is it evening?"


I loved Candy Galore's line "I think I'm going to go before I get killed"


Candy Galore? haha that is a great name.

Yes I'm with him. I'm uh...I'm Mrs. Igles...I'm Mrs. Iglesias


I agree, that is quite possibly the single worst acting I have ever seen.

Tesla was robbed!


Take your pick! The acting is deplorable.


Yeah she was pretty bad. The rest of the cast I thought were decent but I thought she was the worst.


I found Howard McNair terrible. The performance was very wooden and just like matter-of-fact talking with an attempt at emotion in the attic scene with the little girl. IMHO, he edged out the Vanessa character in terms of terrible acting. No one stood out, though.


I was glad when she shot herself.

Roland, that's a lilac bush!


Definitely Arielle Brachfeld from the first scene, when she is drinking out of the brown bag, and onward. It was complete torture. She is in a lot of films though so maybe it's just this one.

Yes I'm with him. I'm uh...I'm Mrs. Igles...I'm Mrs. Iglesias


I thought the British "psychic" guy was pretty bloody awful!
