Nothing New Here

I don't know. I try and see all the potential Oscar movies before the awards ceremony and every year there are invariably movies like this. But not this irritating. First off, I didn't enjoy the multiple protagonist viewpoints. It makes it unfocused on what the movie really wants to be about. Secondly, everything the movie wants to be about has been covered already...and better. Racial issues? LOTS of movies have successfully tread this ground and it feels like a pale "me too" now. The tough farm saga? Seen that... The harrows of war and impacts afterward? Again, many movies have done that one. But perhaps what I found most irritating was the ending. They cover depressing, struggling stories for nearly the entire movie and then right at the end put some sugar-coated happy ending on several of the threads with nothing between rock-bottom and that end. Lame, Oscar-baiting drama.
