pretentious and boring

I'm glad people were moved by this film. I have tried to watch it several times and I find it pretentious and boring, relying on narration almost entirely to tell its story and containing minimal animation (I know that's his style, it works best when it's funny). I like Hertzfeldt's sense of humor and timing, but this film leaves me cold. Anyone else feel that way or am I alone?


Shut the *beep* up you pretentious *beep*

I haven't even seen this film.


Hopefully you're alone, because this movie is fantastic.

Better to be king for a night than schmuck for a lifetime.


I feel the same way. I enjoyed the comedic moments. Especially all the backstory of Bill's
family members. But otherwise I found the film pretentious. It beats
you over the head with philosophical concepts which ruins a lot of the
surrealism for me. Comes off like a philosophical poem written by a
high school student. By relying on narration, character development and
ambiguity are stripped from the work. I enjoy surrealist films, but
this didn't provide me with startling or memorable images. Not striking
or clever enough to be a good surrealist work and not traditional
enough to have enjoyable story or character moments.


"I found the film pretentious."

You don't understand what the word means.


On one hand, I'm happy that you are so polite regarding others feelings of this beautiful film. On the other hand, I hate the word pretentious when it's used in regards to movies and music. It feels like it's such a lazy go to word when one wants to criticize high art but doesn't want to use the more obvious simple terms. For me, this film is one the best modern day masterpieces in existence.

"If life is getting you down and needs uplifting, then please come dance with me!"


I don't agree with pretentious, but yes it is very boring. I usually love Hertzfeldt's shorts, so it seems to me that stretching Bill's story out to 1hr plus was spreading it too thin


hey buddy, as someone said above, hopefully you're alone :)
I guess it has to do with how people relate to it... I've watched it over 5 times - it's genuinely one of the most amazing films I've ever seen. My friend who's a doctor & has worked at various mental institutions through the years was deeply moved by the film as well. We agreed that there are subtle details in the narrative that indicate that the director either has direct experience with mental illnesses himself or at least someone close to him. It has, in my opinion, very profound things to say regarding mental illnesses and the nature of subjective experience. As someone who's lost loved ones to mental disorders (one of who introduced me to Don Hertzfeld in the first place), it spoke to me in a profound way.

So yea.. It's a deeply personal film, and I can understand that it doesn't speak to everyone, but don't call it pretentious, because it really is anything but.



I disagree, segaltoons. I think it is a true masterpiece. I saw bits and pieces of my life and my experiences in this film and was moved in a way I cannot really explain.

However you are entitled to your own opinion. That's why they make chocolate and vanilla.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, and / or doesn't.


I had to make an effort to see it until the end. I liked the animation and the music, but the relentless narration and a somewhat forced sentimentality drove me away from the film. I think it would be more moving if it relied more on the images to tell the story.
