
Well, I saw a preview of the movie, and really liked it! I will have to schedule my dvr so I won't forget to see it when it comes out.


Typical Hallmark movie, but Brooke is great in it.


I recorded the movie, and was amazed that my boyfriend watched it with me. I really enjoyed it, and my boyfriend even said it was cute.

Wonder is the seed of knowledge.


I enjoyed it but thought he was too old to have graduated with her.


LOL, I agree. I really liked the movie, but all I could think was "wow, his life must have been hard." Don't get me wrong, he's very attractive, but he looked closer to her sister in age. They should have done a Ross/Rachel, where he had a crush on the younger sister of his classmate.

That said, it was very enjoyable.

Brad:You stabbed me,dude!
Max:I stabbed you,dude!


Brooke was great and so was Najimy.
But I'm wondering why they have it listed as "How To Fall In Love" when on cable it's listed as "The Dating Coach."

"I don't love you enough to hate you!"


Mine is listed as How to Fall in Love. It's not uncommon for a movie to be called one thing on TV and another on IMDB. Don't know why they do that.


Thanks for the info. I didn't know that.

I don't love you enough to hate you!
