No Steve Weibe???

Steve rules. Billy sucks.


Looks like a lame attempt by Billy to gain his credibility back. What a tool.

Here's a slinky, go play.


The Steve Vs Billy thing is pretty interesting.

King Of Kong was definitely edited to show the corruption of Billy, and Billy hasn't handled it with honesty or humility, BUT he's not necessarily a BAD guy. Everyone has bad qualities, and it wouldn't be crazy to suggest that King Of Kong played on certain qualities to make a good vs evil story in order to make a more interesting movie.

Something tells me that the Director has made a deal with Billie, in order to fix his reputation (and avoid legal actions), and Steve most likely doesn't want to be involved.

Could you blame him?

Side note: This movie looks GREAT!!!


In fact Steve and I are very good friends and he does appear in the movie quite often. He was scheduled to appear at a Fix It Felix contest during filming but sadly the contest never came to fruition. In real life he and Billy and are not in a feud like some would believe. Both guys are very good family men.



What?! Steve is a run of the mill family jerk married to a really dumb broad, go take care of your idiot kids and stop playing video games, Billy Mitchell is the King.


I am amazed at how much goes into refurbishing those cabinets. Great story!

reply 3915363377.287198.620523377&type=1&source=11


Steve is KING


Steve is in the movie, you just must have not noticed him. He appears on screen at exactly 59 minutes and 46 seconds into the movie. He's even given a nice big warm welcome by Richie Knucklez. As he comes out everyone lined up to give him high fives, clearly respected among the other gamers.
