just watched, very cool

nonstop action, aesthetically it was pleasing, van damme shines as the villain once again.

with those highlights stated,from beginning to end it was action packed. Great pacing. Acting was above average imo, its nice to see orlando jones back in a starring role and playing a serious character. Also, JCVD is really good once again as the villain, its a role he plays so well and you can tell he really has fun. Looks wise it went further and beyond most 10 million dollar budgeted action films, my guess would be because Peter Hyams is a genre veteran with some huge titles under his belt, starring big names. So he knows how to put on a show and appease the eye. Lots of fights, hand to hand combat was abundant, all 3 main characters get their own showings and hold their own. All in all it was a fun movie and everything you'd hope for from this kinda flick . I'd recommend it. also, weird facts: there was zero "sexuality" in the movie I dont know if this rating was based on a previous cut of the film maybe? And lastly it was very short, not including credits it was 1 hour and 19 min long.


Is Van Damme doing a lot of hand to hand combat? And some kicks?


Van Damme is involved in several fights yes, he throws some kicks also. One fight in particular he takes on a handful of guys simultaneously then the climactic hero vs. villain fight was also pretty entertaining.



This movie is an insult. Nothing less, nothing more.

I find 90ties direct-to-video trash dvds in the bargain bin that are more believable than this.

JCVD didn't take that role or the movie even remotely serious. He cashed hin some 100 grand and spend 2 weeks on an island pretending to a french diva.


He from Belgium bro :]

''As Imbecile examines finger, Wise man sees who's watching Imbecile, & Moon gets intimacy.'' H.E


This movie is an insult. Nothing less, nothing more.

I'm with you michinine. I was actually embarrassed for Van Damme! THIS is what his career has come to? Really? He looked like the Joker from the old Batman series. I couldn't believe he looked like that. And I was supposed to take him seriously as a villian? WTF?


Just watched it myself and thoroughly enjoyed it. Although the twist regarding the girl, I saw coming a long time beforehand. All the acting except for some of the ICE agents at the beginning was very good. Loved all the fight scenes. Only the second JCVD movie I've seen where he was a villain, but DEFINITELY hope to see more of him as a bad guy. I give it 8* out of 10.


deff agree on all accounts, especially the girl that was all too convenient. But I'd watch it again for sure I thought it was awesome.


I did not see the twist coming.

But I did think the girl at the start bumping into - and right away falling - for the ranger was pretty convenient and stupid.

So I was pleasantly surprised when the twist occurred.


I thought this movie was going to be cheesy but I really enjoyed it. I thought JCVD did a rally good job being a villain and he was really funny. I also gave it an 8 out of 10.


yeah, i was pleasantly surprised, all the action scenes were reasonably good, that and they didn't rely to much on gun play which is always good. agree with others about the plot twist being a little obvious. also the fight scene in the tree was excellent as i don't think I've seen anything like it before. all in all a solid movie, not quite as good as the 80's films but worth a watch.

overall rating: B


You are joking??? This film was utter dog *beep* - and that's from a huge Van Damme fan


Yeah I enjoyed it. I really liked the feel of it and Van Damme's acting is terrific. He shines as the villain, he's always a great villain. The shots are a bit dark but that really gives you a feel of where they are, not a bunch of studio lights everywhere, just moonlight and a flashlight here and there. The only problem really is quite a few of the extras aren't very believable characters...or are just inexperienced actors but who really cares right.

Definitely worth a watch and I don't mean that as a die hard Van Damme fan because I'll admit that he's been in quite a few really bad films. But things are definitely looking up nowadays. If you liked JCVD's character in the expendables 2, then you'll definitely like him here. I also recommend "universal soldier: day of reckoning and dragon eyes. They're not your typical van damn films and he's not even the star of the films but they're very entertaining.

"the day I tried to live, I learned that I was alive"


I agree about the lighting in this, I really didn't care for it. A surprise too since Peter Hyams was also the cinematographer, and is quite a good one at that. I realize the darkness was intended to increase the tension, but jeez, I couldn't see squat half the time. I get the feeling it might have partly been an attempt to conceal the stunt doubles used in the fight scenes since none of the actors were martial artists and JCVD seems to be using more fight doubles these days.

Still, I enjoyed the movie and I know what to expect with small budget DTV films like this. I just wish there were better scripts out there and that JCVD would work with more Hong Kong directors.


I really enjoyed it too. Its great to see JCVD in a film again. Best laugh/spoiler: What exactly was Tom Everet Scott's plan when he jumped behind the couch? "Hmm... gun...I'll throw myself against the shelves, land behind the couch (bullet protection?) and then throw classic wilderness novels at gunman! Yeah, that should work!"


JCVD makes a nice and funny bad guy :D . ur average action flick with the normal plot hole you would find on a movie like this. Just think it should have some better people making those secondary roles... awful acting...


I enjoyed this movie quite a bit. Ignore that BS rating of 5, or whatever it is on IMDB. Doubt even a quarter of them actually watched it. Loads of action. Jean still has it. Orlando, I've always liked since The Replacements. He surprised me with his action abilities. And Tom did very well as the protagonist. The story was fun. The movie had a great old school feel to it. Refreshing with so much Hollywood fluff being rammed down our throats.

I'm not even a JCVD fan! That being said, he did well here and kicked serious butt as the antagonist. Brave move with the character style and moving out of his comfort zone.

Narrator: Modern speech had degrated down to a mixture of slang, hillbilly, and grunts. - Idiocracy
