Lame acting

Why don't you just come out, and we'll *bang* *bang* *bang*

Couldn't take the chick seriously

The acting was horrible from everyone, bar JCVD and Orlando Jones. JCVD junior was particularly bad. Cringed so much. Nice of him to support his kids though.

Bar the lame acting and dialogue, it was still enjoyable enough tbh. As a massive JCVD fan, it's still worth the watch really. He still entertains.

See you at the party, Richter!


also the script is so lame it's not even worth starting a "100 things I learned" thread



Van Damme was great, everyone else was awful. On top of the awful acting, the hand to hand combwt scenes for the heroes were mediocre as you could tell when stunt doubles were being used


*beep* gasoline. I knew it'll ruin everything!!

Now that's how you go out... with a bang.


couldn't take her seriously? From the moment he met her it was obvious that she was a plant. I'm not sure how much of that was the writing and directing, but as for the acting she just couldn't bring enough sincerity to the character to sell it. She just came across as a plant


I agree JCVD brought a nice, quirky energy to his role, but casting Tom Everett Scott as a former Navy SEAL and Orlando Jones as an ex-con stretches credibility to the snapping point and beyond.

A journey into the realm of the obscure:


I agree that Van Damme's quirky villain character made this film work. I was not impressed with Scott as a former Navy SEAL. His fighting skills were mediocre at best. The fight scene in the forest was lame. And it was interesting how Van Damme enjoyed snapping necks. Then you have the ending that was too abrupt and borrowed from the 2nd installment of the Die Hard franchise series.
