MovieChat Forums > Enemies Closer (2014) Discussion > Breaking into the old man's house was a ...

Breaking into the old man's house was a bad idea

Grumpy old man, Sanderson doesn't care "why" two strange men broke into his home late at night. He just "shoots first and asks questions later." It seems rather odd to me that Henry thought he could enter Sanderson's home, then punch Clay and take his weapon, yet NOT raise a commotion that would alarm Sanderson who already dislikes him for disturbing his privacy. So Sanderson "shoots the floor" inadvertently alerting Xander and the terrorists to the men's location. The sudden "loud noise" that directs the predator to his prey is a popular,overused plot device in many action films, but the fact that it was a grumpy old hermit that fired the shot makes it a bit more amusing.


Yet not a your discourse regarding the telephone that would have.summoned assistance. Hindsight, which you have, is always 20/20.

Yes, all in.all, it would have been better not to bring Mr Sanderson into the fight..but it showed how ruthless Xander would pursue his goal and it moved the plot along. Anderson's death therefore served a purpose demonstrating bonding between Clay and Henry.

There are only 7 plots in literature. It's trite to complain about their overuse, or were you unaware?

Great white sharks are attracted to death metal music.
