Wow. No reviews/thoughts?

Wow. I'm surprised. This has got to be the best film I have seen this summer. It was a blast from beginning to end and the filmmakers worked incredibly hard on this. Every collector had their own story to tell and I loved that. The filming is great, the film flows really well, there's a ton of humor, great people, awesome horror movie scenes and some insightful things about VHS tapes from the prices to a bid on the rare "Tales From the Quadead Zone" Ebay sell. Tied with Don't Go To The Reunion it's my favorite horror film of the summer. This of course is a documentary but most of it is about horror movies, so.


MovieKid100's mom is a prostitute. One Direction sucks. You're Next failed. What else is new?


I loved the film. Found it to be very fun and nostalgic and I would also recommend Rewind This! as a great companion film. Both are throughly entertaining.


It was just ok. Didn't really do much for me and I felt like the store set ups were intriguing but ultimately dorky. But then again, VHS as a format is incredibly fragile so maybe I'm missing something (and I say this as someone who owns a huge amount of tapes). I wish there was a documentary about the decline of physical media in general.
