MovieChat Forums > The Village (2013) Discussion > It should get interesting if....

It should get interesting if....

Joe put a bun in the oven of Caro before he shipped out.

Can you imagine that conversation around the dinner table (either Nico's family or Caro's) if a bairn shows up? Unless that wild moment they had is going to produce a child and a great big plot line for later generations, then it seemed like an extra scene that was not needed. But given this show as a 100 year arc, the implications for a baby in 1914 has endless future possibilities for strife in the plot. It would be a great plot driver for the future.



I think you may be right, I was pondering the same thoughts myself, I also think he'll be seriously wounded, though it does say he is in all 6 episodes. (I sincerely hope so.)


Minds thinking alike.......I also checked to see how many eppies he's in to see if he's killed off right away at the front, ha. Yes. Six. But we all know these lists can sometimes be wrong.

The announcements for the show say the show never leaves the village, so if he's in six eps then, does he return right away injured?

I can almost see 100 years hence the great great great son of Caro and the great great great daughter of Joe (or his younger brother) falling in love and marrying and how it will scandalize people.

But what the heck, the Queen did it. Guess commoners can marry their distant cousins too.
