MovieChat Forums > Kill Me Three Times (2015) Discussion > The incredibly repetitive musical score

The incredibly repetitive musical score

That country riff being repeated over and over and OVER was so obnoxious that I turned the film off after 15 minutes.


You know your lying!! What's the matter the Ciao make you push too many pencils?


I thought that it was weird too, though there were a few riffs that kept replaying. I just expected better from Johnny Klimek.

Musings of a Film Over-Analyzer


Rabksaj: what?! You know this is objectively true, right? You can just go and listen.

"I only buy things with even-numbered price tags. I'm an economist."



MicheltheCynic the music fit the movie perfectly and whether it was repetitive or not I was too entertained to notice. For you it might have been too much but I never notice this whatsoever.


I noticed how much it repeated as well, but unlike you I actually liked it. It gave the movie it's own style and it got stuck in my head but I never got sick of it.


This. The music was driving me up the wall after about 15 minutes in. Really made the parts of the movie where people were driving places and doing things (and not talking) a chore.


Oh, that was country music eh?

“Democracy is a pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance."


yes good point

also, i found i had to work too hard to stay up with the sequencing due to the shifting timeline.

look, i get it that everybody wants to be cool like tarantino. i get that.

but a choppy timeline doesn't fit every film, and when it's misused it actually hurts the film.

i got bored due to this shifting around. the motivations change because of this, and i don't think the filmmakers realise this

"As the day hits the night we will sit by candlelight, we will laugh we will sing..."


It was awful....absolutely terrible i couldnt believe it....i watched the second half on ff and i got more enjoyment out of it. It's all you need. X30 speed, you see exactly whats going on., haha thats when you know it s a shet movie

Oh what a day. What a lovely day!


Yo OPHero....have you ever actually heard country music? That was more surf/rockabilly.
That being said, it was annoying.

Son, you can't polish a turd


Same here, I stumbled onto this movie this morning and although it is a bit of a fun ride the constant slide guitar soundtrack just became grating after a while. It's like they were trying to make up for what amounts to an extended episode of Home and Away by throwing all this trying-to-be-cool thumpy music on top, as though it would be transformed into another Pulp Fiction. Anyway I got past 15 minutes and watched the whole thing with the mute button on standby when the audio got too tedious. At least reminds us how beautiful the WA coast is.
