The Last Episode

Up until now I've found Graceland kind of hard to get into (i mainly watch for Daniel Sunjata) but this last episode was really cool, loved all the action! Felt sorry for Briggs though!


You feel sorry for Briggs! The guy is insane. He almost got Johnny killed. If Mike and Paige weren't already en route to the funeral home at the time of the shooting, the Mexican gang would have killed him and Johnny. Plus, his actions almost resulted in a shoot out between the Mexican gang, Martun, and the cops. If Mike hadn't noticed the rat, more people would have died. Not to mention the people who actually died and were put in danger because of the gang war he started. I was incredibly satisfied when Johnny shot him in the leg and Mike punched him in the face. It was a long time coming.


I think the shoe has been rather enjoyable but complex.


The shoe huh? lol, i just don't see why everyone hates Briggs, i haven't seen him do anything worse than any of the rest of them have done at one time or another!


The guy has dealt drugs, killed federal agents and covered it up, almost killed fellow agents in cold blood for his own protection, manipulated his housemates into situations which almost got them killed if not for sheer dumb luck in order to save his own ass. I think you would be hard pressed to find any other one agent in the house who has done something equal to all of that. Paige is the only one who can boast of having committed a crime on the same level. The others have done some very questionable things, but they haven't killed people in cold blood or put their friends in harms way the way Briggs has done.
