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went by way too fast for me. Didn't learn much but it was sure interesting. I'm glad Jenny didn't die. I sure wonder what happened when Isaiah went for a drink with the lab tech. It does seem almost impossible for them to get justice for all these people. So many people are involved. Something I wasn't clear on was if the guy Terry went to see is related to the big shot guy that's eyeballs deep in whatever is happening. I wonder if Terry's "friend" was the one that killed Jenny's family. They made it seem so but things aren't always so clean cut in this show.

I'm really enjoying this show and I hope everyone else is too. I'm deeply invested in these characters, despite their flaws.


I wonder if Terry's "friend" was the one that killed Jenny's family. They made it seem so but things aren't always so clean cut in this show.
Agreed, he's the obvious suspect, but then... Terry was the obvious suspect, too.

I can't wait to see how it unfolds! My only disappointment so far is Jenny improbably surviving her suicide attempt. I have nothing against the character, I like her fine and sympathize with her terrible inner struggle, I just thought it was kinda gutless on the part of the show.

"Computers aren't the thing. They're the thing that gets us to the thing."


It looks like she's done it before. I'm not sure how it fits either. Maybe just speaking more to her character and fleshing out her past a bit more. I wasn't ready for someone else to die on the show that didn't deserve it, so I'm very happy they didn't kill her off.


For me, I thought it fit for her, and also fit as a consequence of recent events within the overall story. I just didn't think there was any way she'd really live through overdosing, in the snow, in her car, alone, without anyone knowing where she was. If they were going to rescue her, I'd have preferred it be a bit more likely... and if they were going to have her make the attempt in the first place, I'd rather she hadn't been rescued.

But I can see your POV on that too. She IS terribly sympathetic! And it's also true the show's been pretty unsparing so far, what with executing a man who wasn't guilty and all.

And, on the up side no matter how you look at it, this led to my first moment of really appreciating - Trey, is that the Page son's name? His delivery of his poem dedicated to Jenny was powerful and touching, without being overblown. That's a tough line to walk, but the actor and the writers balanced it perfectly together.

"Computers aren't the thing. They're the thing that gets us to the thing."


That was something that bothered me. It didn't really fit with her character that we had seen so far. She didn't seem despondent. She seemed sad and guilty, but there weren't huge signs pointing that there was something wrong and she seemed to be working through that. She wasn't secretive. Although, I don't really know what a suicidal person would act like but they didn't have her act like I would have thought someone would act.

Trey is amazing. I can't wait to see more of him. Although I can see his character taking things too far in the name of protecting the ones that he loves and trying to bring about a better future.

I'm an idealistic person. I hate seeing injustice. The last thing I want to do is watch a show where it's all bad. That's part of what fascinates me with this show. Yeah, bad things have happened, but it's being balanced by the good or the promise of good. Things being not totally realistic don't bother me so much. I watch tv for fun. Not to be bogged down more by reality. I like watching tv shows like this and have things happen as we wish they were, not how they would really happen in real life. In real life, this case would never have been reopened. They both would have died in prison and the family would never have real justice.


Okay, you and I are not seeing the same things in general. But that's okay, I'm glad we're both interested and involved! Maybe more people will yet be, too.

"Computers aren't the thing. They're the thing that gets us to the thing."


I agree. I'm glad that we have different views and be mature about it. Either way this is a great show. I can't wait until next week and hopefully we can discuss that show as well. :0)


Totally on board with that!

"Computers aren't the thing. They're the thing that gets us to the thing."


