MovieChat Forums > Beverly Hills Nannies (2012) Discussion > Kristin you aren't that attractive yours...

Kristin you aren't that attractive yourself sweetie

It was really annoying to hear her putting Amber down like that and pacifying those blonde girls by saying that's the reason she got the job. Amber is very pretty and the truth is if they wanted an "unattractive" nanny they wouldn't have hired her either and went for some Mrs. Doubtfire like woman instead. Plus the one who was saying "I'm hot" is also not prettier then Amber. Kristin is one of the least attractive on this show so she shouldn't be saying how unattractive Amber is. I really wanted to barf when she said she and that other guy would make a "beautiful baby" Don't you have to be beautiful to assume that? Plus maybe her explaining this is her subconsciousl explaining how she got so many nanny jobs herself.

I speak my mind and if you don't like it then that's just too damn bad!!!


I have to agree. The one who got the job is actually the prettiest. The one putting her down is just a bitch.



Amber was the one who was late. If what you think is right, she should never have gotten the job



But without her saying that, the producers wouldn't be able to create tension and have a storyline.


I agree. Didn't Kristin work for Ari too at one point? I guess by her logic, she too was hired b/c she was the ugliest of all the girls they interviewed at that time.

The box. You opened it. We came.


There had to be a lot more to those interviews then what we saw because judging from what I saw of Shayla tonight, it seemed like Amber might have been the best choice out of the three anyway, not that she’s the perfect nanny but she seems better then those two judging from what I've seen. And I'm guessing Kristen must be pretty good friends with Lucy, since she also pacified her when she told her that her new employer didn't like her talking so much by saying she was intimdated because she was attractive when that was obviously NOT the case! The truth was she talked too darn much! Judging from what I've seen on the show, with the exception of Kristen herself, none of them are good nannies, the mannies seem to be much better so far.

You're killing me and I'm already dead!!!


Judging from what I've seen on the show, with the exception of Kristen herself, none of them are good nannies, the mannies seem to be much better so far.


We must be killers
Children of the wild ones
Where we got left to run?


She wasn't putting anyone down though. She was being brutally honest.

Amber isn't a pretty blonde and has a big nose and no chest. So many women don't wanted to be 'Jude Lawed' and choose less attractive women as their hired help.

We must be killers
Children of the wild ones
Where we got left to run?


I guess she was being brutally honest about her own appearance as well since she did work for Arie at one time herself. But the other girl, Lucy I believe isn't a pretty blonde either, she's a blonde but I don't think she's pretty. And she also has no chest and a huge nose. Do they honestly think their husbands won't go for the pretty brunette? If not then they are pretty damn stupid! Like I said if they really wanted less attractive they will look at some Mrs. Doubtfire types not pretty young women and no, blonde doesn't equal pretty which was the only thing that Lucy had over Amber! Sure the husband said Amber was a six but I'm sure he probably thought she was much more attractive no husband, unless he wants his balls cut off is going to tell his wife "Oh she's a perfect ten, she's so hot" he would have probably said the same about the other girls.

You're killing me and I'm already dead!!!


I really don't get the logic behind hiring an unattractive woman. If the women are so afraid their husband would go after a pretty or beautiful woman for sex wouldn't the family be better of hiring a male nanny instead?

Some men just don't care if the woman is hot or not. They would sleep with any just because they are female. After all the woman Arnold Schwarzenegger banged and had a child with wasn't the cream of the crop.


Exactly, if a guy is going to cheat he's going to cheat and not necessarily with the nanny either. If someone is that insecure then they should have never gotten married.

You're killing me and I'm already dead!!!


If the women are so afraid their husband would go after a pretty or beautiful woman for sex wouldn't the family be better of hiring a male nanny instead?

I'm guessing women flood the nanny market moreso than men. Also, many men and women hold the stereotype that women are more maternal than men are paternal.

We must be killers
Children of the wild ones
Where we got left to run?



Agreed. For alot of men, the thrill of something new is enough of a turn-on; and if the girl is young, regardless of looks, often, she's fair game.


Amber is beautiful on the inside and out and Kristin is so full of herself. She does not treat her nannies that well. You should not talk badly about people behind their back, she will loose her nannies and her families if she keeps it up.
