Show is full of lies

First of all this Ari a.k.a. Barbie doll full of herself person claims she is an actress, she isn't she has NO acting credits to her name. She has posed for playboy though. I figuire porn is probably next on her list.

How the hell she can keep a Beverly Hills mansion is beyond me.

This Shayla person claims she has been a nanny for famous people, no she has minor acting credit her and there like Coffee girl #2 on some random episode of a TV show. You can't be a nanny and go out on all these auditions. She sounds like just another chick lying to try and get an acting gig.

Also, where the hell are the fathers for these kids??
How the hell do these know nothing women keep nanny's, mansions' in Beverly Hills as well as the upkeep on themselves in this economy?
Give me a break!!

I wouldn't doubt it is ABC Family just hired actresses to play the mommies just to have a "reality" show. Disgusting.



Shayla doesn't have that many credits, and it is possible to nanny part-time.


scott (from australia) is also listed as a stunt actor if you google him. there's no way he moved from here to LA purely to be a "manny."

amanda also has an acting credit from a short.




Being an aspiring artist of any kind is tough, especially in LA. They have to make a living somehow. I can seen nannying as a cool way to do that while pursuing their dreams. It seems realistic enough to me.

I have no siggy



I suppose you can work out most of that stuff when you're hired. I would hope that the nanny would mention being an aspiring "whatever" during the job interview and negotiate with the family what is and is not acceptable. My guess is that families' expectations of their nannies can be wide ranging. Some may need nannies to live in-house 24/7 while I'm sure a lot can get by with part-time, almost baby-sitter type care.


From Lucy's bio: "Lucy was later cast in 2012 to star in "Beverly Hills Nannies" on ABC Family."

She was CAST. These people aren't real Beverly Hills nannies they went out and recruited to be on TV. It's scripted reality. I tried to watch it but couldn't sit through it.


Ari and her husband were in last week's episode of Gordon Ramsey's new show "Hotel Hell" as "guests". Which was in San Diego. I find that more than a coincidence.

"You can't tell me nothin' if you ain't had an 8-track." -Sinbad


The shows most likely don't even tape at the same time so how is that not a coincendece?

You're killing me and I'm already dead!!!



Right, but they aren't real nannies. They're actresses hired to be nannies for the show. Notice they're all beautiful, Hollywood wannabes. The producers develop drama and soap opera stories for the show. I had a coworker whose daughter was a nanny for Tom Cruise/Nicole Kidman and later Mel/Robin Gibson. She was young and kind of cute but not beautiful and she had a steady boyfriend without drama. It wasn't anything like this. It was a lot of drudge work. I've seen a lot of the other nannies and they were frumpy and usually older than this.


You can be a real nanny and be cast. There was an article on Yahoo listing the bios of the nannies on the show. They have had extensive experience nannying in Beverly Hills. Lucy just wrote that she was "cast" because it looks better on her resume as an actor rather than just being chosen for being herself. I don't know what it is that hard to believe.



it is probably better this way: I wouldn't want to live in a world where a person like Lucy could end up working for the sister of Princess Leia.How can these people be nannies? They are uneducated, rude, immature and obnoxious. They just don't understand the concept of " shut up and look after the kids".
