IMDB Spoiler?

The IMDB summary says:

A divorced woman who decides to pursue the man she's interested in learns he's her new friend's ex-husband.
Um, we don't learn that for sure until at least half-way or more through the movie. That seems to be giving away a big spoiler, IMO. Do I remember it wrong? (I realized it when Marianne (Keener) mentioned how the single life was good because of the onions.)


That fact is given away in the trailer. Yes it is a big spoiler but if the filmmakers are going to allow it then I guess it is fair game.


OH! Thx, I didn't know they did that. Stupid trailers.


It's not a spoiler if the writer/director wants us to know. And, in this case, it enhances our experience knowing before the characters involved know.

However, if we hadn't known, it would have been a different feeling movie...maybe better, maybe not.


Of course it is a spoiler. If the "writer/director [wanted] us to know", they would reveal it (earlier) in the movie. Trailers and marketing live outside of the movie, and the movie's producers are typically not consulted about the marketing, let alone have any control over it. To think they "wanted us to know" via some 3rd party channel is pretty silly.

Maybe I can't complain about IMDB revealing it, since it's in the trailer, but then again, I don't watch trailers for this reason. Shouldn't I be able to read a description without a spoiler then too?


I think trailers and marketing ARE the property of the producers, and they allowed this plot point to be revealed at that time. Which in turn, allowed IMDb to also reveal it in notes.

I can believe "they wanted us to know" just for marketing reasons. If it weren't for the untimely death of Mr Gandolfini, this may have been just another romantic comedy that many would pass on. However, knowing there was this interesting twist that "her new friend turns out to be her new boyfriend's ex-wife" is kind of a draw and something unusual that the producers banked on to reveal it. oooh, the plot thickens....

Back to the first point: You can bet M. Night and company did not allow us to know that the good doctor was actually (spoiler alert!) dead the whole time, and that IMDb did not reveal this plot point either.

I wasn't the one to say that "some third party" revealed it, I'm just saying it's not really a true "spoiler" since it was revealed in the producer's trailer.

Most movies reveal at least something to entice viewers to watch it.

All that said..... viewing this movie knowing the "twist" or interesting plot point, and not knowing it, would make the viewing experience different in each case.

I knew going in, so I was able to watch for it. those that did not see a trailer or read a third parties notes learned about the same time that JLD's character did, and I'm sure that would be enjoyable as well.

I hope with these points bob, you can take back your "pretty silly" comment. Just kidding..I don't mind.. I think I made valid theories. Of course, if I do learn that producers have no control of their own trailers...then I'm completely wrong on this point.

that is all


To think that this film's producers expected everyone to have seen the trailer, and therefore know the twist, is so dumb, it's hard to even think you're being serious.


Yes, that would be dumb... but I didn't say that.

no, I don't think that the film's producers expected everyone to have seen the trailer...

I'm just saying, that they are ok with it. (knowing the "spoiler")

and in fact, since they released the trailer with that information, were more than ok with people knowing.

If you didn't know, that's a different experience watching the movie..and that's ok too.

again, it's not like an entire movie's critical premise was spoiled for you as in my example with The Sixth Sense. If you knew the spoiler for that...then it's time to get pissed and rant about it on the boards..

but this... knowing this spoiler should not ruin the movie for you. I'm sorry you felt that your experience was diminished because you knew about the "spoiler".
It's really nothing to go on about...complaining that you knew about the "spoiler".

I enjoy going in to movies knowing nothing..but I didn't get all bent knowing this one ahead of time.

I'm not exactly disagreeing with you. Ok ok it's a spoiler already. (just not a big deal, and the producers were ok with it)

Just please stop with the "dumb", and "pretty silly" stuff. Enough Said !


It's pretty silly that you keep saying the same thing over and over. Yeah, we get it. It's a different experience with a spoiler.


some people need everything explained, so I had to hit all the main points several times for you to get it. I don't know why you couldn't have figured it all out on your own...but that's ok.

I kid.


For what it's worth, I completely agree with you, and was going to post the same thing. I'm 99.9% certain the dramatic irony was intended. Knowing is what gets us involved in the plot; otherwise it would have just been another typical middle-aged drama/comedy.

You heart me? What is that? Is that like I love you for pussies?


I have to agree. During the first 30 minutes (before she realizes) I already knew (thanks to the summary) and I kept asking myself WTF would anyone think it'd be a good idea to spoil this particular plot point via the IMDB summary.

And no I didn't see the trailer.


- don't worry, that's just my signature.


It's not a spoiler. It's the hook. It's the thing that keeps the two leads apart.

All romantic comedies and dramas have a thing that keeps the two leads apart. It can be physical (war, distance), but most often it's metaphorical e.g. class, human frailty, flaws, etc.

In this case, it's Eva unknowingly becomes friends with her new boyfriend's ex-wife. That's the "thing" that keeps her and Albert apart emotionally and gradually drives a wedge between them to the point they break up as per the romantic drama/comedy format... Which is expected in this genre.

So, this is why it doesn't bother me that it's in the summary, or in the trailer. This is what makes this story different from the thousands of other romcoms and romantic dramas out there and this is how you get people to go see it versus any other.


Exactly why I avoid trailers and IMDB until agter ive seen film


No, not a spoiler because even the trailer let's you know that. It's not meant to be a surprise to the audience.


Yep I was also annoyed imdb gave away that plot line.

