MovieChat Forums > Enough Said (2013) Discussion > Loved it because it's very real

Loved it because it's very real

Really good because it's so real. Real people. Real problems. They were middle aged and that was ok with them. They accepted it and did not try to cover it up with fake ness There needs to be more of that. Especially in Hollywood.


I agree. I love this part where Eva says
"He’s kind of flabby and middle aged but I don’t care. I’m flabby and middle aged. It’s funny, our middle aged-ness is comforting and sexy to me."

Enjoy Life Now... It Has An Expiration Date!


I liked that too. To begin with I actually thought it was too real, like uh! if I wanted to listen to the mundane conversations of everyday lives I'd be talking to the people I know rather than watching a movie, but it grew on me.

Hopefully there'll be more of it.


Kinda sad that movies like this are considered out of the main stream. I loved the naturalness of it. No hokey story lines, just a bunch of normal people making normal decisions. i could easily see how tempted JLD's character was and why.

Amy: I swear to God...I swear to God! That is NOT how you treat your human!


100% agree!! It was almost TOO real lol! I almost felt like someone wrote my story but not all the bad stuff happened and I love my big furry guy. ;)


I wasn't sure I would enjoy this but as an older male I thought it was extremely entertaining and insightful. The best line in the movie I thought was by Albert who said, "you broke my heart and I'm too old for that *beep*".


I found it very honest and believable, despite the rather predictable Hollywood "surprise." This is a film where people of a certain age acknowledge their strengths as well as weaknesses, make the most of what they can, and move beyond what they can't. There aren't enough films like this being made, but perhaps that is because people don't support them. I'm glad I supported this. 8/10 stars from me.
