MovieChat Forums > Enough Said (2013) Discussion > I kept expecting her to tell them both.....

I kept expecting her to tell them both....

...long before the secret was discovered. That would have made sense. I don't know why she kept the "double life" going as long as she did. It seemed strange that she would pump the ex-wife for negative information about her boyfriend to use against him.


She explains when she talks to him after the breakup.

Amy: I swear to God...I swear to God! That is NOT how you treat your human!


I think she got in too deep and the moment had passed... She was so insecure that she didn't trust her liking of Albert and got caught up in what she thought was insider information about him from his ex.


She couldnt help herself. And it allowed her to keep Albert at a distance since she was afraid of being hurt/making the wrong choice with a man like she had in the past. And anyway how do you really breach that subject? Its going to be delicate no matter how soon you bring it in the open. She could have said you know what I think I know your ex wife/ex husband and let them take it from there but something would have come to a head. And she wanted to have her cake and eat it too.
