Favorite scene?

What's your favorite scene/moment?

Mine was the whole scene of whispering at the friends' dinner. JLD was laughing so genuinely I really got into it. Made me sad that they later made that out to be a mean scene because the action itself seemed good natured.


Eva and Albert's first date was one of my favorite scenes. It was funny and sweet.


Completely agree. It was such a beautifully crafted and executed scene.


I liked the scene in the car the best where Albert tells Eva that her actions during dinner were belittling and unacceptable. I liked how he rebuffed her invitation to spend the night at her house. He asserted himself, stood up for his rights and his aching heart, but he expressed his feelings civilly. It didn't devolve into a shouting attack (as it might have if Gandolfini were playing Tony Soprano.) I loved the irony of the final line in the car where he said, "Why is it I felt like I was at dinner with my ex-wife?" As far as I was concerned, that scene made the big reveal with Marianne, Tess, Eva, and Albert superfluous. There was really no need for Albert to know that Eva was friends with Marianne or for Marianne to know that Eva was dating her ex.

A better scene might have been a final meeting between Marianne and Eva in which Marianne confides, "You know something. I've been slamming my ex every time we talk. I've called him a loser. I've picked apart his flaws down to the minutest detail. But the truth is, Eva, I'm the loser. I lost out. I should have loved my husband - warts and all - because I haven't met half the man Albert was in the 4 years since we split. If I could go back I would. But he's moved on so all I can do is cut him down and somehow that makes me feel better for about five minutes." Eva would then tell a lie about folding up her massage table for good so that she wouldn't have to see Marianne anymore, and that would be the end of that counter-productive relationship.

Cut to the same scene where she drives by the house. His guarded but welcoming attitude may have been more believable because she would only have to atone for the dinner party and not the months of spying. (Yes, some of the dialogue about talking to his ex about him would have to be changed. But, overall, I thought the big reveal toward the end should not have occurred.


CalvinJarrett - I'm not a filmmaker but I was agree that her hiding the knowledge went way too far and I would have liked the movie better your way. By the way, I liked your post so much that I checked out some of your other posts and saw that you're a Lee Grant fan. Was wondering if you've read her book yet, it's wonderful.


The chillout scene in the garden when they are talking about not having sex in a long time, because they are very natural, and realistic to me, and I saw Albert character as a reflection of my current partner, when we met. Yes, I like it, because I felt like a familiar situation to me. I agree with people who think this movie good because it is very realistic.


Finding the softball in the and confronting the maid and the maid goes off.


That was funny.

I liked whenever Toni Colletes character and her husband argued. Too funny.


Weirdly, I liked when they were inspecting each others fillings.

People criticise how uncomfortable and distant they seemed with their first date, like it should have been more of a Hollywood stereotypical falling head over heels, I love everything you love, kind of thing, but this scene showed how good they were together, how comfortable and compatible they were and that they could actually be vulnerable and genuine and trust each other.

I think it was nice because so many people in real life long term relationships can't actually be like that together.


When she comes to his house to explain herself. That moment when she leaves and Eva says "he really likde you" and she replies, "I did, too". Really sad.


I liked the scene when they were getting frozen yogurt after dinner. Albert looks at the people sampling the flavors and says "take a chance, ya know? put a little in your cup. you're not buying a house".


"I can see your penis" scene.

I was very lucky I wasn't drinking anything when that scene was unfolding...

- - - - - -
If you don't like the show, stop watching it!


Great movie.

My favorite scene is when Eva knew the truth while Marianne was talking about her ex and onions. I was really shocked I didn't see that coming and the scene was so honest and well written and acted.


I like the scenes others have pointed out but the one that stood out for me was their first kiss. They were sitting next to each other and it was in the air but also awkward, and I was getting uncomfortable because in most movies they'd just lunge for each other and suck face and I'd get disgusted. But then Albert simply asked if Eva would like to kiss and that suddenly made it all perfect for me. Maybe most people find it hot when people don't ask permission, but I find it much hotter when they do.
