Use a Rifle

I haven’t seen this movie since it came out, but something popped into my head today about this movie for some odd reason. Couldn’t one person just hang the covered mirror up in a tree, and the other shoot the mirror with a high powered riffle from 500 meters away using a pre-sighted machine rest? If I am not mistaken it has no power over inanimate objects like a bullet, and that's outside it’s sphere of influence so it has no power over the shooter.


Better still, place the mirror, covered up, in the middle of a field and just pack explosives around it, and detonate it from far away. Only way to be sure.

Why are you here if you haven't seen the movie yet?


No nukes, no orbit? Lame.


As Hicks would say, "Just nuke it from orbit; it's the only way to be sure."


Good plan.


Pretty sure that if there's an "Oculus 2" that there will be some totally logical, foolproof way to destroy the mirror that will turn out to not work, just like in the first one.

for instance, you try to shoot it from a distance, but it fools someone closer into taking the bullet meant for the mirror.

You try to blow it up but someone defuses the explosives before they can go off.

And so on...

All Art is pretense.


And interesting idea would be to imagine a world war III scenario with an ICBM flying towards the town where the mirror is located while the mirror is trying to mobilize everyone around it to save itself.


They made it quite clear that you aren't in control of yourself around the mirror. While you may think you're creating a perfect trap for the mirror your basically finding a way to kill yourself. Wasn't that the whole point of the mirror? It took control over the people around it.


But it still has control over the person hanging it. So while the shooter is waiting 500 metres away, the mirror just influences the other person to stand in the line of fire. Or better yet, hide the mirror where the shooter can't see it. All while making them think they're hanging it from a branch, just like they planned.

And then what can the shooter do, except come into the mirror's sphere of influence to save their friend?


Good idea
