Blame the dead guy?

Why didn't bob and Ruth blame the shooting of the cop on their accomplice (Freddy), as he was already dead?

P.s. That cop was hottt


The same reason they couldn't get a job at NASA.
They weren't Rocket Scientists

I was born in the house my father built


Because the script says so, that's why!


It was my first thought the first time I watched the film as well, haha!! 

I guess though if they'd said "Freddy did it!!!!" The cops would have been like "Yeah, right!" and still locked 'em both up. I mean, someone had to pay. Even if Freddy had done it, they were being chased by the cops in the first place - it's not only for shooting the cop Ruth shot that Bob gets locked up. By taking the whole blame, Bob provides a story for Ruth and manages to enable Ruth and their child to be free.  I think there is a logic to it... no?


That's true, you make a good point
