
This film should be deeply worrying, especially for American Christians. Near the end it mentions that 157 (I think it was) young people have died in these places. That figure needs to be compared with the normal death rate of young people of this demographic in places like these over a comparable amount of time, but it sounds abnormally high.

Also disquieting is that many "schools", like this one, are outside the USA and its laws. Young people in them are utterly at the mercy of people who may have severe pathologies, all suffused with the odour of sanctity. Their teachings may cross the border into cults. Where did Jesus say that teenagers should be "swatted" with paddles?

All that is visible must grow beyond itself...


Good post.

These christian wackos hurt their kids more than they can or will ever imagine.

It's disgusting.


More than worrying, I think it's frightening, heartbreaking and downright abusive. These poor kids are going to be traumatized by this for the rest of their lives. It did not seem to me that there was ever any sort of positive encouragement. Instead, the sole focus was on everything they did "wrong" - and "wrong" being not folding a shirt correctly or not asking permission to go to the bathroom! Not only that, but their "levels" would change seemingly randomly. Thus, they were always walking on eggshells because they didn't know if what they did was considered "right" or "wrong". This is very similar to growing up in an emotionally abusive household. What was truly devastating was to watch David's transformation from a positive boy who tried to laugh even when things were rough to a scared, withdrawn, quiet young man who will have to, as he himself said, spend many years in therapy to recover from this hellhole. Something needs to be done about this - and something needs to be done now! These people are abusing our children! They are not above the law. Someone needs to sue these people out of business and/or create some laws to regulate places like this. This is not OK.


Shuugy, you have it ALL wrong. These schools operate under US law- the USA has 'proudly' refused to sign the UN conventions on the RIGHTS of the child. In the USA, children are legally the 'possessions' of their parents- following the old tradition of Ancient Rome. Every other first world nation recognises children as CITIZENS, by contrast.

The ONLY reason these schools operate outside of the USA is because they had become an embarrassment within the USA, where their abuses were in danger of encouraging the US sheeple to REBEL and demand a change to US Law. But the US Supreme Court had ruled, over and over again, that such schools had an ABSOLUTE RIGHT to operate anywhere in the USA, and treat their child inmates with any level of cruelty- even if death resulted.

American sheeple do NOT understand the concept of LEGAL IMMUNITY that many US entities are granted by Congress and the President. It is ILLEGAL, for instance, in many states of the USA for parent to take teachers to court, if the teacher has abused their child. In those states, laws specifically grant the teacher full immunity from prosecution.

HILARIOUSLY this creates the situation where a parent can be taken to court by the social services, and imprisoned, merely for slapping their child mildly on the backside- but a teacher who beats the same child black and blue is fully protected from any form of prosecution BY LAW. When the parent goes to the SAME CPS workers who promise to prosecute parents, the CPS worker laughs in the face of the parent, and tells them the teacher can do whatever he likes to their child.

Why is the USA so sick, when the rest of the first world has abolished things like child beating in school? It directly connects to a society that sees its children as cannon fodder for its massive WAR MACHINE. The USA is designed to be the planet's murderous bully- and Human Rights would simply get in the way.

