Obama's child abusers

When Obama was made president, he promised that the USA would NEVER ratify the various UN treaties on the RIGHTS of the child. As a consequence, the ROMAN system still continues in the USA, where unlike in the rest of the First World, US children are the POSSESSIONS of their parents legally.

In the UK, for instance, children are also citizens, have the RIGHT to not be sexually abused in the guise of 'corporal punishment', have the RIGHT to choose their own forms of medical treatment (when deemed mature enough to understand the issues), have the RIGHT to their own freedom of conscience (their religion and/or spiritual beliefs), have the RIGHT not to be forcibly kidnapped and confined by their parents.

In Obama's USA, EIGHTEEN YEAR OLD WOMEN can be legally sexually abused by MALE members of staff in US schools, in the guise of 'corporal punishment'. This includes the abusers actually holding down the young woman while a male abuser gets his rocks of striking her on her backside with the SAME type of paddle originally created for the 'discipline' of 'black' slaves. Obama is a descendant of a slave-OWNING, slave-TRADING family in his native Africa.

Of course, Obama is simply following the tradition of 'white' male 'conservative' Presidents, and his successor (almost certainly Rand Paul) will uphold the same system.

US Christian zionists, as depicted in this documentary, are the greatest threat to Humanity in our current times. The irony is that the zionists they creep to, the rulers of Israel, would NEVER EVER permit Jewish children in Israel to be abused as US Christian zionists abuse kids in the States. Israel is pro-abortion, anti-corporal-punishment, and anti-death-penalty (this last one being laughable given how many non-Jews Israeli government death squads murder every year, of course).

America is designed in every regard to be a brutal anti-Human society designed purely to feed the US War machine. America wants the ability to drag every member of its youth, should the time come, into enforced servitude in the armed services. The US lawmakers that PROUDLY refuse to ratify UN treaties designed to protect children see such treaties as a direct interference in the optimal functioning of a society designed to serve the US War Machine.

The USA will NEVER abolish school corporal punishment (which is legal in ALL schools in half the States and legal in private schools in 90%+ of all the states), will NEVER abolish the 'rights' of parents to confine and torture their children, will NEVER abolish the 'rights' of parents to have final say over the medical treatment of their child regardless of age. The USA is sick to the core and cares ONLY about which form of societal control will produce the best recruits for its gigantic and ever growing killing machine.


Christian zionists? What is that? Like a vegan cattle herder?


You need professional help


There is a downside to giving children these blanket rights though. In the UK (where I currently live) there is a generation on kids who know they are quite literally untouchable. Teachers can't give an obnoxious unruly child a clip around the ear, Police can't grab antisocial kids by the scruff of the neck, parents can't smack or slap their son and daughters for destroying the neighbours garden.

I know it's a cliche (for a reason), but this level of punishment never caused any harm to my generation (Gen X). And now, a generation of children who in a sense have more power than the adults, will 100% come and bite this country on the ass one day.

...that's like saying you are just an ape. ~ Autómata


zan, you're just as whacked out as the parents and the adults who run that camp. The far left can be just and messed up and fascists as the far right.
