Simon Bolivar fought over 100 battles against the Spanish Empire in **North** SOUTH America. He rode over 70,000 miles on horseback. His military campaigns covered twice the territory of Alexander the Great. His army never conquered -- it liberated.


That is correct. is "South" and not "North"


YES!!! That bugs me. SUD AMERICA. NOT NORTE.


Pues no tienen la dicha se parir a un Hombre como Bolivar, USA nunca quiso invertir en la Causa libertaria y es un pena !! Bolivar y los próceres fueron los mas grandes


USA nunca quiso invertir en la Causa libertaria y es un pena !!

Una pena por que? Gracias a Dios no le debemos nuestra independencia a los gringos! No sea arrodillado.


I do not understand what south and not north? this is a story about south america, where we speak of north america? or is a error? in everything that I have reviewed, it speaks of south clearly, someone can clarify that it is this post?


Rode 70,000 miles on horseback? I don't believe it.



I guess the original poster is correcting the English subtitles. I have the DVD of the film in Spanish without subtitles and the opening phrase is:

Simón Bolívar luchó mas de 100 batallas en Sur América contra el Imperio Español.

(Simon Bolivar fought more than 100 battles in South America against the Spanish Empire).

There is no mention of NORTH.
