MovieChat Forums > Call of Duty: Black Ops II (2012) Discussion > Anyone think the main campaign is WAY to...

Anyone think the main campaign is WAY too easy?

I really just consider my skill at XBOX and Call of Duty games just to be a little better than average. I'm playing on Veteran and have been playing for 4 hours and have died maybe twice and that's because I took a crazy chance practically to see if I COULD die.


All CoD games have been "easy" or easier (which is more accurate) on Vet for years now.

Vet is now a "normal" setting.

And so, God came forth and proclaimed widescreen is the best.
Sony 16:9


Yeah, it is pretty damned easy, but after World at War and that hallway in Black Ops, it's a welcomed change. Though there are a few moments of ridiculous difficulty spike.

Heads or Tails kitty Cat?


I did think it was a lot easier this go around. However, maybe it's because we have all truly become "veterans" of this game after 10 years of playing them!

Just kidding, it was noticeably different, especially since World at War, that game was punishing.

Either way, I had a blast playing the campaign.

If a day does not require an AK,
it is good
Ice Cube
Warrior Poet


So... You want a medal?


In all seriousness, I've been playing it on "normal" and it has been a tad easy. Haven't finished it yet but that's because I've not had the time. Give me a whole day to myself and I think I could easily complete it in less than five hours.

It is probably down to the actual story. They want people to be able to complete it, games used to be unforgiving but then again they didn't use motion capture or real actors... They didn't use any *beep* actors in old games! Remember how amazing scripted events in Half Life were... Now games ARE scripted events. Give this game to my ten year old self and my head would have blown up!


I also think this is a tad easier as with all the different endings they want people to go back and play it again for the "new endings".


Agreed. I also hate how half of each mission is just you watching your character do stuff while you move the camera around. While it can be cool when used in small doses, Black Ops II used this way to much to the point of it being frustrating!


It took me roughly 9 hours on veteran to complete, I'm not an amazing player but I'm not the worst either. I died quite a bit, because I'm aggressive and move ahead faster than say my daughter.

I mostly buy COD now for the online play, not so much the campaign. I play the campaign first always though, just to see the story play out.
