MovieChat Forums > Gallows Hill (2014) Discussion > Why wasn't she...*spoiler*

Why wasn't she...*spoiler*

...defeated or 'gone'?
The cop says that the witch is after his bloodline, then she kills him.
So why was the witch still around?

Are we to assume there are more family members elsewhere?

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


Yeah, agreed. I thought once the cop died the Witch's revenge would be over. I figured Lauren was screwed either way because she had already been possessed before he was killed but the father daughter duo would survive. Oh well! Hopefully she gets finishes them all off.


I think morales might have family so she would have to kill them too


She told him in spanish that not even his sons were going to be saved. When she possessed Ramon in the car scene.


Maybe the daughter was from one of the bloodlines and didn't know it? Her mother WAS from Columbia, and from that area. So, perhaps the demon was manipulating the daughter to kill her in order to defend her father, therefore possessing his daughter.


There was a list of names compiled by the old man and Morales was only one of descendants of the many people who burned her. She wanted to get out to kill the rest of the people on the list.

I smell weakness!
