Why an apartment?

I found the movie very entertaining but I was a little puzzled as to why he would live in an apartment. Why wouldn't he have his own house? It would afford him more privacy and he could certainly afford it.


True, but the amusing encounters with his land-lady and tenant across the hall couldn't have happened.


i got the feeling he moved a lot


Because Cain was cursed to wander the earth the rest of his days.


Hmmmm.... Good answers, but you can rent houses too.


He lived a constrained life. He didn't want to mow the lawn or shovel snow of any of the things home owners/renters do.


True, but we're talking film here, so an apartment implies a nomadic lifestyle.


He has eternity so for him time is scaled differently. He can spend decades before he moves to his next locale.


I defer to 'qfal' and 'drphibeslives'. I'm overthinking it. The necessity of just making a good movie trumps logic everytime.


Lol. I say the same thing to my kids about movies: easy to like if you can "buy into their universe."

But for this, it might be practical. Homeownership is a tough nut. Even if you rent a home, it is rare to find one where you don't need to provide evidence of who you are.

Apartments like the one that Jack was living in could give him a place, no questions asked, as long as he pays the rent on time.

That's my theory and I'm sticking by it.


Nuff said!


It wasn't just about privacy...it was more about anonymity. Homeowners attract attention and show up on the government radar. If he lived in a condo/swanky apartment, he would be "somebody." If he lived in a fleabag/flophouse, he'd attract attention by criminals/predators. All Jack wants is to be invisible.


Haven't watched the film yet but what would one guy want with a house? And houses can be viewed from the outside. And everybody knows you're in there. And they have neighbors. And a lot of windows. And somebody said lawns, so yeah, lawns, and mailboxes, and a meter reader, and what's he gonna do with all that space. And then he becomes that creepy guy that never comes out of his house to all the kids in the neighborhood. And then they dare each other to break in to the house. And then one kid finally goes. And then Henry Rollins has to eat him. And that would be unfortunate.


Because he can pay his rent on this place in cash. No paper trail to lead back to him. Plus he can just pick up and leave whenever he wants.

Owning a house wouldn't really offer more privacy.

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob: http://kingofbob.blogspot.ca/


Maybe because a for rent apartment requires no kind of pre-existing trail. Buying a house would involve awkward things like bank accounts and so on


He is staying under radar. In the first scene he paid cash for his rent. It also helped to stay under cover after he killed Alex's father, Tom.


I think it was because he wanted to be humble. I imagine he's lived in plenty of real palaces in his day. But the truth is you don't get somewhere like that without violence, no matter how many degrees of separation. I think this goes back to the bible story of cain and abel. The original murderer, the origins of greed . To want more than what other people have. He was trying to live a simple life, after killing his (presumably) evil boss. Probably in hope of forgiveness from (his) god.

Like it says in matthew 19:24:

"I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, “Who then can be saved?” Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

I'm not a particularly religious person, but I do think the bible is interesting if for its sheer significance, and obviously this movie is rooted heavily in its mythology.

Strange things are afoot at the Circle-K.


Nice quote...... However, the eye of the needle is a PLACE. and the people understood that a packed camel is really damned hard to get through it. To top it off, jack was/ is rich. And most likely has stashes all over the world.
