3 words: WTF??

I watched the trailer and gave it a shot. The intro was promising, but after they meet in the woods it's pretty much downhill. Seriously: she breaks in, sleeps in his bed, and woops they're a couple! I was forgiving the plot because I was thinking, in the end she might somehow be the bad guy, or a spirit, or something that would make up for her weirdness. Nothing. Everything was pointless. The box didn't even matter.



...I was going to write my own review, but you said it better than I could---this movie really sucks. Period. It has more plot holes than a slice of Swiss cheese and in the end it wasn't even scary! Utterly pointless waste of talent and time!


I will give the movie credit for wandering off the usual beaten path, but it probably should have taken a machete because it really proceeded into some dense jungle. . .

I think they were trying to make the girl next door sinister, but then they also seemed to be trying to making her a potential victim at times, or just a love interest at other times. I like horror movies to be ambiguous, but it really didn't work. I do know that it was great fear of mine when I was a teenager that the pretty girl next door would come into my house at night and crawl into bed with me--oh wait, did I say "fear"--I meant sex fantasy.

They also shouldn't have made the two teen actors carry the movie so much. It's not that they're bad, but they're obviously inexperienced. Except for the old lady, the adult actors were largely wasted.


Yeah it was rubbish. No shocks or scares. Things other than the box seemed pointless as well. Like they never showed the face of the drunkard father. So i thought that he might turn out in the end to be that guy we saw in the first 5 minutes of the film. But no, the director just didn't want to show us his face for some unknown reason. What a daft film.


I don't understand your argument, she breaks into his house......a bond forms.....they hook up. I don't see the issue. Movie wasn't anything special but I'm sure you can come up with more of a constructive reason for your dislike of the film than that

"Be the change you want to see in the world"


i think the film was trying to leave the film open and mysterious, even ending with a direct rip off of the Insidious style TITLE at the end. i enjonyed the film but i found that it was basically saying, we'll leave everyone hanging as to generate a sequel.


This must be your second horror movie, because there is no other way you could honestly accuse something of being a "rip off" of Insidious' title card...

If Haunt is a rip off of Insidious then Insidious must be a "direct rip off" of every horror film ever made.


I don't understand your argument, she breaks into his house......a bond forms.....they hook up. I don't see the issue.
Yeah why not? Some people are fine with sex on the first break in.


Just finished watching it and I am PISSED! Your subject hit it right on the nose. I was really enjoying it too - I thought the main characters were great - and then the last 5 minutes have me cursing out loud at the writer - what a pointless piece of shist - I've seen many ghost videos on YouTube that were more entertaining than this.


I totally agree. Liked the story (aside from some really lenient parents). I am tired of these writers/directors who just phone in some lame non-ending, or an anti-ending, just to seem clever. Movies are to be entertaining and tell a story. Not a contest between the "I knew the ending halfway through" so smart audience and the "No you didn't" plot twist obsessed directors.

That's just my opinion... I could be wrong.


Well it wasn't that pointless, because she was the spirits daughter, who later got possessed.


I don't see why the spirit would take revenge on someone who was in love with her daughter, why not take revenge on the one who killed her? And what did the guy want? I mean the evil woman doctor's son? He was just standing there but did nothing .... well I guess as he was told when alive.


The first half of the movie was great, it even gave me a few big scares but the ending was a huge letdown. How can they let such a movie with great potential hit such a sour note at the end. There were still some answered questions like why didn't the evil spirit kill the crazy mother but killed the rest of the family? Ughhh it just was a mess.


Whilst the movie was forgettable, there were some things I really liked and hated *SPOILERS*

-Hammer to the head. I was worried the kid would be attacked, wake up in hospital and some how be fine, so I was glad they didn't cop out there.
-How did the baby (Sam) get to the drunk father? Wouldn't the evil mother want her husband's kid dead? If she has no problem killing the mother, I doubt she'd be bothered about killing the baby. Did they just leave it on the doorstep of the drunk dad?
-How could the man at the beginning (radio dude) live next door to his child (Sam) and not intervene in some way? Especially as his other kids had just died.
-Why didn't the spirit kill the evil mum who killed her? She seemed to get off pretty lightly in the sense that no real harm came to her but she was the cause of it all? (yes I know her family died, but it's weird that the spirit wouldn't want her dead too)


